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Could someone explain what the intended use is of below items on the the Cases in IFS:

  1. Hand-over References
  2. Business Objects
  3. Attachments


Currenly I am investigation a few requirements for a customer but I can't find the explanation of use cases for these options to connect "Objects” to a Case.


Hi @Harm de Brouwer 12Guide , nice to see you in the community!

We used these with the IHC project, let me explain in short where we used it for:

After a vessel was delivered to the customer, the warranty period starts. This warranty is a project activity in IFS where all cost will be booked against.

When a ticket is raised during this warranty period, the case was attached to the project Actvity (as an Attachment).

In case a service was required, a work order was created from the case as an handoverrefernece. In case that only a spare part was required, a customer order line was created as another handover reference. 

It could have been that there was already a work order for the same vessel. In that case it is also possible toconnect the existing work order as a bussiness object.

Please note that there is not much happend in IFS in this module, there is also not much focus from RnD. In IFS Cloud the Service management (new) module is improved a lot, so the call center is maybe not even needed. I guess that I would have use this new module now at IHC instead of the call center.

Good luck,


Hi @Harm de Brouwer 12Guide ,


Please let me explain this according to my knowledge, which might help you.


Example 1:

Let’s say the customer finds out that there is an issue with one of the Air condition machines they use. Object ID is TEST 1. They need help from a service provide to solve this issue, so they create a case.

To mention the exact object they are having the issue, Business objects can be used.

Then once the case is accepted and work needs to be executed (AC machine needs to be repaired), a handover reference, in this case, a work order will be created.


Then you can navigate to the created handover reference, add any additional information (planning stage) and then start fixing the issue.

Relevant case ID can be found under customer information.


Example 2:

Let’s say you have a work order created already and need to connect an existing case or create a new case. Then connection can be established from Attachments > Case option.


If you go to the case,  you can see the connected work order under “Attached to” option.


In summary:


Business object:

You can enter information on business objects that are connected to the case. The business objects connected to a case say what the case is about and provide valid information to be used when handling a registered case. For example, the business objects could indicate whether the case is regarding a malfunctioning sales part, or regarding a certain equipment. One or more business objects can be connected to a case.   


Handover Reference:

This is used to create a handover reference to handle the issue/request reported in the case. That is, for example, create a service request, customer order, work order via resource planning, return material authorization (RMA), project activity, change request, shop order or purchase order. 



You can use this option to create a new case using an existing connection to a logical unit or to connect an existing case.


Best Regards,


Hi @Harm de Brouwer 12Guide , nice to see you in the community!

We used these with the IHC project, let me explain in short where we used it for:

After a vessel was delivered to the customer, the warranty period starts. This warranty is a project activity in IFS where all cost will be booked against.

When a ticket is raised during this warranty period, the case was attached to the project Actvity (as an Attachment).

In case a service was required, a work order was created from the case as an handoverrefernece. In case that only a spare part was required, a customer order line was created as another handover reference. 

It could have been that there was already a work order for the same vessel. In that case it is also possible toconnect the existing work order as a bussiness object.

Please note that there is not much happend in IFS in this module, there is also not much focus from RnD. In IFS Cloud the Service management (new) module is improved a lot, so the call center is maybe not even needed. I guess that I would have use this new module now at IHC instead of the call center.

Good luck,


Hi Robert,

Nice to see you again! Thank you for your explanation, I understand how you utilized the different methods for IHC.

I am also currious how the new Module (NGSM) will evolve, the main gap I see currently is not having the option to connect it to Project Activities. But from 25R1 these options should come in, I have been told.

