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Hi everyone.

We have a customer requirement where the asset structure needs to be snapshot at a specific state. The reason is that the “old” structure is needed for billing reasons. 

Is there such a function in EAM that allows to view the structure in the past?




Hi @dadude 

Others will comment saying the same, we don't have this. It sounds like a quite strange thing to add too, especially for billig reasons, and for equipment.

But let's play along anyway and assume we wanted to do this 😀 What level of detail would they need? Just a list of Object IDs and their children and their children (and so on)? Or do they also need all attributes for each equipment object? Or even related entities? Depending on the exact needs, perhaps we can come up with an idea for a CRIM.

Hi @Mathias Dahl I know it is a strange requirement. The challenge for the customer is, that in the moment a service technician is on site, he might recognice a change on the structure. Then he is asking the customer when that change happend. That information is needed, because the asset is recording values for billing e. G. and got deactivated/replaced.


And on top of the recognizian of the change, the other assets for value recording get replaced/changed by the technican and are updated in the structure as well.

So there is a structure setup before the change done by the customer and the change done by the technican (the latest). And what we would need is a snapshot of the sturcture in state a, b and c (the latest).



Thanks! Sounds like a challenge right there… What would be considered a snapshot of the structure? What information is in it?

Hi @dadude 

As @Mathias Dahl mentioned there is no current functionality to keep a snapshot of the structure information with respect to a certain date. What currently in place is history records of the specific object mentioning when it was moved/status changed/created etc.

Considering this as an general implementation will be really tricky because there are huge structures with lots of levels and serial object structures at bottom levels. For those structures there can frequent changes in the structure( Adding new serials/objects, object movements, replacements for repair etc.). Keeping snapshots of all of the levels will be tricky and might not add value in a general.

Perhaps(This might be a crazy idea)  you can consider some custom implementation to trigger an object structure report of some sorts whenever a object movement in the structure is performed. and keep the records of it attached

Might not be useful if the requirement is a visual snapshot of the structure though
