I want to add a new activity, with a new pricing from Nov 1rs (for instance) on a pricing Book.
But as soon as I enter a date in the futur, I have this message I can’t understand.
Can you explain Why ? I should be able to do that in advance…
Thank you
This has been reproduced on QAC
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Are there any dates defined on the price book?
Yes indeed. In my example 1/10/2019.
Does it has any impact ? Could you explain please ? I’m not really aware on the use of this.
Hi Laurence,
What is the Effective to date on the price book header?
It seems to be comparing the Effective to in this screen versus the Effective from in activities screen when you make the entry? Plus, it seems you are defining an effective from date which was already used for Intervention… 1/10/2019… in a previous line also per the screenshot. Your example was not in the future...
Which Price Book did you do this in QAC to confirm the issue?
The purpose of the dates in the header are to provide the date range the overall price book is valid. So all lines must be between these dates. I would adjust the Effective to date of the header to somewhere in the future or none myself as you have defined 1/10/2019 for that in the header which is also the Effective from date on the line.
You might also try giving the line itself a matching to date from your header instead of null.
Hi Phil,
Actually, the screenshot was from another environment, Just to have th message in English ;)
The date I’ve tried to set up is really 1/10/2024 but as I have the message, it is set back to the header effective from date…
In QAC, I use the pricing book EU_ALL_EUR, for which no Effective from is defined in the header.
But I have the exact same message if I try to add a date in the future.
When I try to save, the date is set to NULL just as the header one...
Hi Laurence,
On QAC for price book EU_ALL_EUR, I added the line for inteverntion AFTER setting header effective to end of 2030 and created a new price line effective from 1/11/2024 (in the future a little over a week from now).
I still think you need to populate an end date in this case.
It looks like it cannot compare to the NULL value for the header effective to date when the line effective date is in the future from what I can tell from this test.
Thank you Phil.
I’ve tested again in ALLIANCE V15.4 SU3 and I confirm it was possible .
So would you recommand to log this as a bug ?
Thank you.
Hi Laurence,
I would log this as a support case to have this reviewed.
At least this question was answered and there is a way forward in the meanwhile.