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Item component deleted after item uninstallation

  • January 11, 2024
  • 1 reply

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 9 replies


When you want to delete the component of an inventory item (following a uninstallation) you have a blocking message “Site is mandatory” and you cannot go further. Why this message ?  Below, the case.  

You have 2 installed items (IT01 and IT02) on a site, that has been installed through a Service Order. 

The installed item IT02 is then added as component of the istalled item IT01.

Then in a service order you uninstall the IT01 item, with the option “Return to inventory”.

The IT01 is now an inventory item, with it’s component IT02. 

==> You cannot delete the component because you have the blocking message “Site is mandatory”.

NB. In V14 you don’t have this message, and can delete the component IT02. But (strange) after deletion, the component  IT02 becomes installed item on the site were it was. Why doesn’t it become an inventory item in the wharehouse where it has been returned with the IT01 ? 

Thanks by advance for your answer





1 reply

Phil Seifert
Ultimate Hero (Employee)
  • Ultimate Hero (Employee)
  • 1290 replies
  • January 11, 2024

Hi Philippe,

I don’t know the how or why it does what it does in v14 where the IT02 becomes an installed item on the original site when it was deleted.  It could be that the IT02 was originally an installed item and has the site information already in the item record prior to becoming a component of the IT01.

However, moving on to the first question… I would not think to delete the IT02 component from the item IT01.  You probably are getting that message (as opposed to v14) because it never was an installed item on the site prior to being a component.

If you want to return the IT02 to inventory, you should take a look at the product teardown option instead of deleting the component.  This way I believe you can specify where you want the components that were in the parent item go when removed.


This way, you should not have to worry about the site information for IT02.  I think this would work for you though have not tried it myself.



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