I have found quite a bit of useful information - but I have some questions:
How can we restrict the products the cutsomer sees when creating a new service order?
How do we restrict the request types?
Is it possible to cuustomize the open order page?
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What kind of filter and customization are you looking for?
Currently there is no filtering on which products/Request Type are displayed on Partner Portal to be selected for a Service order. As long as they are not set as Obsolete, they will display. If you wish to add a new filter, IFS can add a customization to accomplish this.
Partner Portal Pages have customizer capability if logged in user is a Customizer user.
Hi Vera - hey, I managed to figure out how to use Customizer on the pages. Thanks!
Hi Bjørn,
As I suspected there is a catalog option within the Partner Portal.
I am thinking you might be able to use this to do what you need if you are looking to have your customers order specific products. I do not have the information at hand how this is setup or used so perhaps a good idea to discuss training in this area with Services?
Thanks, Phil. Very helpful - I’ll definitely bring this to the team.
Off the bat we only want to let the customers order service (where we do the delivery), and possibly see their items, service history, and contracts
Hi @Phil Seifert
I come back to you about this topic. Do you suggest above, that in the catalog, we can filter the products loaded / dispalyed directly at the user connexion ? If I am not mistaken, a product is not linked to a node, so I don’t see the way to filter strictly the product displayed in the catalog on the customer portal (of course you can filter in the screen and create a view).
@bskallerud sixaxe made some customizations in the customer portal for example : to display only product under contract , Filter request type