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Hey everyone, I wanted to drop in a question about a feature that was in IFS 7.5 but has seemingly left the building in IFS 10 in some form:

In IFS 7.5, you could down on a bunch of Quick Reports, right click, and Add to Selection for any user with either read-only or editable access. This would allow for a quick return to the selection of reports for a user because they could simply click their selection on the left pane and get access to all of their pertinent Quick Reports.


In IFS 10 the same functionality exists but only for users who can access the editable piece of this (QR in Solution Manager). So while I can access this as an admin, a read-only user cannot access this functionality.


We of course don’t want very many users editing Quick Reports for security and integrity reasons, but then how do we restore the ability to Add to Selection for any and every user? Is this possible?

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