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Hopefully this is an easy question for someone because I’ve spent too much time trying to figure this out.

We are working through updating from APPS10 IE to Aurena (we don’t do anything right away) and I’m having an issue with some lobby element navigation that works great in IE but not in Aurena.

The below lobby element is dynamic, so it’s populated based on the Lobby #1 Page Parameter called MACHINE_NAME. In IE I click on any one of the manager names and it opens Lobby #2 and that manager name is now in the Page Parameter (MACHINE_NAME) field and all the elements filter the data based on the manager name.

Here is what I have setup in the IE element designer. It shows the mapping for IE (works great) and also the Web URL for Aurena. I’ve looked through all the documentation referenced in many other posts, and either I’m really confused on how to make this work, or it’s just not working. NOTE: the ?????? were added by me because nothing worked.

Regardless of how I format what comes after “MACHINE_NAME:” , when I click on any manager name above, Lobby #2 always comes up with the directors name that was populated in MACHINE_NAME of Lobby #1. Both lobbies share a number of elements so I kept the Page Parameter name the same for both to keep my element count to a minimum.

I’ve referenced this online document to try everything that makes sense to me:


I’m looking for additional assistance in what the web URL should look like to make this operation work. I’m hopeful someone else has solved this issue and can provide very specific formatting - please don’t just tell me the solution is in the attached document link and then a proven example isn’t provided - which is what I’ve seen in so many previous posts.

Thank you for any assistance!

I am not too versed here but the elements I create have a simple web address in this form. Couple examples. The filtering takes care of itself.






Turns out the Alias of the column (back in the Data Source Designer) is what is used as the parameter name to pass.

Data Source Designer:


IE Element Designer Aurena URL:

/lobby/a23db9e8-091…..?pageParams=MACHINE_NAME:$EManager Name]


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