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Is there a simple migration sample showing the mapping of files for a  step migration process

for a file such as comm method

IFS 2003 has less fields than Apps10 eg. IFS 2003 does not have party_type or party-type_db, nor the valid from/to dates.

IFS Apps10 requires the party_type (


Thanks in advance

If you check in the column ‘IID Values’ you’ll see which values are valid for Party Type.


DB-values <==> Client-values :

COMPANY <==> Company
CUSTOMER <==> Customer
SUPPLIER <==> Supplier
PERSON <==> Person
MANUFACTURER <==> Manufacturer
OWNER <==> Owner
FORWARDER <==> Forwarding Agent
EMPLOYEE <==> Employee

Valid To and Valid From are optional.

When you create a data migration job in Apps 10 it will list the new PARTY_TYPE and PARTY_TYPE_DB columns. Since IFS 2003 does not provide this data you can hard code the value. For example, in the source column field for PARTY_TYPE you can add a hard coded string like ‘Customer’ or ‘Supplier’ in the default column and leave the source column field blank. You need to begin and end the values with a single quote.


Please let me know if you would like a few sample migration jobs. I have some I exported from a 2004 migration.


Another question, are you pulling your migration data from the 2003 database using a database link, or are you exporting and importing flat files? The database link method is quick, easy, and takes less time.