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Hi All, 

When I migrate my custom pages from our dev environment to our test/live environment the field postioning is lost and I have to manually reposition them.  How can I migrate the page without losing the field positioning ?


Many Thanks.

A year or so late, but might be able to help others:


  1. Update page layout as desired
  2. In solution manager > user interface > custom objects > custom logical unit page, custom pages tab, Right click and select “Update Page Layout”


  1. Navigate to solution manager > user interface > user profiles > explore profiles. Search for your currently logged in user, and select “show details” 
  2. In Windows > features on that page, you will see the name of your custom page. You can export the entire page branch or just the layout by right clicking and selecting “Export Branch”
  3. ​​​​​​​In your destination environment, At the top right of the same above page, click on the “Import from file” option. Select your recently exported branch. 
  4. ​​​​​​​save. Log out and back in. You should have your modified layout in the new environment.


Additionally, you can copy the layout to other profiles from this screen. At step 4 above instead of exporting the branch, you can select “Copy Values to Profiles” to copy the layout to other base or user profiles.


NOTE: This process can be glitchy. I found even when going through the above some times it wouldn’t work, and I’d need to try a few times. Restarting the application through the various steps sometimes helps

