Hi Experts,
I have few question about long running jobs and how those to be planned in to several Visits. Please see example below.
- I have created a task with duration 12 hours where I need allow multiple visit with the Option enabled.

- First I tried direct assignment in Dispatch Console, there I could not see this Allow Multiple Visit is enabled though it is enabled in the task??

- Then I cancelled it and tried drag and drop the Job to one of my Resource and this is how I see it.
You can see it is evreywhere even outside the shift as the duration is 12 hrs.

Qustion 1.
How we can devide this for several visits at this point may be 4 hrs or 8 hrs slots so we can plan the Travel time as well here as it is required by the real business.
It seems task will devide into few visits only it is transferred to the mobile but we need to plan our Travel before that?
see how it is when we plan the travel: Still I could devide this into few visits??

Next I transfer to mobile:
Then only it was devided into two visits,

If I then Travel is calculated again, you can see it goes beyond the shift, so in below example end time is 5.36PM but we need to adjust the Task duration so that everything ends at 5.00pm.

How we can change the Task Duration now? As this is transferred to mobile we could not change any even from the Task or from Dispatch console?

These planning seems much complex when it comes to long running jobs, appreciate for any help.
Thank you,