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Override on a TYPE record is not working due to a commented line


We are trying to add a couple of new fields to a TYPE record. 

There is a TYPE record named VoucherRowRecType. Notice the last line of this type is a comment line.

TYPE VoucherRowRecType IS RECORD (
    company                         VARCHAR2(20),
    voucher_type                    VARCHAR2(3),
    function_group                  VARCHAR2(10),
    accounting_year                 NUMBER,
    accounting_period               NUMBER,
    voucher_no                      NUMBER,
    row_no                          NUMBER,
    row_group_id                    NUMBER,
    codestring_rec                  Accounting_Codestr_Api.CodestrRec,
    internal_seq_number             NUMBER,


    correction                      VARCHAR2(1),         -- to support old version
    currency_debet_amount           NUMBER,
    currency_credit_amount          NUMBER,
    currency_amount                 NUMBER,              -- to support old version
    debet_amount                    NUMBER,
    credit_amount                   NUMBER,
    amount                          NUMBER,              -- to support old version
    third_currency_debit_amount     NUMBER,
    third_currency_credit_amount    NUMBER,
    third_currency_amount           NUMBER,


    currency_code                   VARCHAR2(3),
    quantity                        NUMBER,
    process_code                    VARCHAR2(10),
    optional_code                   VARCHAR2(20),
    project_activity_id             NUMBER,
    text                            VARCHAR2(200),
    party_type_id                   VARCHAR2(20),
    reference_serie                 VARCHAR2(50),
    reference_number                VARCHAR2(50),
    reference_row_no                NUMBER ,
    trans_code                      VARCHAR2(100),
    update_error                    VARCHAR2(200),
    transfer_id                     VARCHAR2(200),
    corrected                       VARCHAR2(20),
    ext_validate_codestr            VARCHAR2(10),
    multi_company_id                VARCHAR2(20),
    currency_rate                   NUMBER,
    conversion_factor               NUMBER,
    voucher_date                    DATE,
    object_id                       VARCHAR2(10),
    project_id                      VARCHAR2(10),
    auto_tax_vou_entry              VARCHAR2(20),
    tax_direction                   VARCHAR2(20),
    tax_amount                      NUMBER,
    currency_tax_amount             NUMBER,
    tax_base_amount                 NUMBER,
    currency_tax_base_amount        NUMBER,
    reference_version               NUMBER,
    party_type                      VARCHAR2(20),
    mpccom_accounting_id            NUMBER,
    currency_type                   VARCHAR2(10),
    revenue_cost_clear_voucher      VARCHAR2(5),       --'TRUE' for 'clear rev/cost vouchers'
    activate_code                   VARCHAR2(20),
    parallel_curr_rate_type         VARCHAR2(10),
    parallel_currency_rate          NUMBER,
    parallel_curr_conv_fac          NUMBER,
    parallel_curr_gross_amt         NUMBER,
    parallel_curr_tax_amt           NUMBER,
    parallel_curr_tax_base_amt      NUMBER,
    deliv_type_id                   voucher_row_tab.deliv_type_id%TYPE,
    matching_info                   VARCHAR2(200),
    -- gelr:tax_book_and_numbering, begin
    tax_book_id                     voucher_row_tab.tax_book_id%TYPE,
    tax_series_id                   voucher_row_tab.tax_series_id%TYPE,
    tax_series_no                   voucher_row_tab.tax_series_no%TYPE
    -- gelr:tax_book_and_numbering, end

We need to add two more fields to this, so the customized code looks like this. 

TYPE VoucherRowRecType IS RECORD
(c_wo_no                    NUMBER,
c_work_task                NUMBER);


But when it generates, it gives an error. The generated code has added a comma to the last line.Notice there is no comma added to the tax_series_no line but it is added to the end of the commented line in purple.


...matching_info                   VARCHAR2(200),
    -- gelr:tax_book_and_numbering, begin
    tax_book_id                     voucher_row_tab.tax_book_id%TYPE,
    tax_series_id                   voucher_row_tab.tax_series_id%TYPE,
    tax_series_no                   voucher_row_tab.tax_series_no%TYPE
    -- gelr:tax_book_and_numbering, end
   c_wo_no                    NUMBER,
   c_work_task                NUMBER

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