Good morning,
During our testing we run into below scenario:
*Issued material - Nov 11- transaction is booked to WIP - voucher date is Nov 11
*Finished task - Nov 12 - reposting transaction from WIP to Cost - voucher date is Nov 12
*Re-opened task and run Check and Update Accounting - Nov 13 - reposting is being reversed, from Cost to WIP - voucher date is Nov 11

Shouldn’t the voucher date for the reposting reversal be the date of the reposting, or the date when Check and Update accounting was run? Doesn’t really make sense to be posted at the date of the original transaction.
If the original transaction and the reposting are in 2 different periods, then we will have the WIP overstated in 1 period (amount from original transaction + amount from the reposting reversal).
Is there a set-up for the Check and Update Accounting date?
We are working in IFS10, UPD16.
Thanks for your help,