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Cancel Manual Supplier Invoice & Receipts not yet Invoiced Report

  • December 13, 2023
  • 1 reply


When creating a manual supplier invoice to match to an inventory receipt, should it put the receipt back onto Receipts not yet Invoiced report if you cancel the invoice.  Yesterday I created a manual supplier invoice and matched it to a duplicate receipt, but had to cancel the manual invoice after the matching process and start over.  What I noticed is that even after canceling the manual invoice, it removed the receipt from Receipts not yet invoiced and my report were out of balance to the GL.  Today, I created a new Manual Supplier Invoice and matched to the same receipt and posted, now my RNV report and GL are back in balance.  Is this how the system is intended to work?  Thanks in advance for all your help.    

1 reply

Furkan Zengin
Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 689 replies
  • December 14, 2023

Hello @bbooth32 

GRNI report shows the receipts which closed date is empty. Actually, when an invoice is cancelled the closed date must be cleared and receipt should be visible on the report.

Please see help description for the field. You can make tests and see the changes in the report.


Closed Date:
The date on which the receipt finally got invoiced, i.e., no more invoices are expected for this receipt. A receipt is finally invoiced and closed when:
 The receipt status is Received.
All invoices that are matched to the receipt are posted.
The complete arrived quantity has been invoiced or returned.

The date is entered automatically when the above criteria are fulfilled. The date can also be entered manually if the receipt status is Received. 

If the voucher date is greater than the system date, the closed date is set to voucher date and if the voucher date is less than the system date, 
then the closed date is set to the system date, i.e. the date when matching the invoice. This is done to handle transaction based invoice consideration parts correctly, 
since the cascade postings added in this process are always added with the date the invoice matching took place.  

When ordering the Received - Not yet Invoiced report, the system uses the closed date to filter records based on the value in To Date field in Order Report dialog box.



Hope this helps


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