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IFS Cloud - How to access old read-only field values

  • April 5, 2024
  • 1 reply




Currently, we are attempting to rework our Customer PO tracking on customer orders, shipments, and invoices. Right now, we have a read only custom field tied to the invoice that fetches the customer order’s customer PO number field so it can be displayed on the invoice, regardless of if this was an invoice created from a customer order directly, or if it was created from a shipment, that was created from a customer order.


The issue is that, if you create an invoice, and then change the customer PO number on the customer order, and you go to reprint modify the invoice (or create a credit or correction invoice from that invoice) the output will pull the custom field value at time of report generation. This PO is incorrect and we aren’t sure on how to go into that report archive and pull this custom field, since it does not live on the CUSTOMER_ORDER_IVC_REP view. It does live somewhere in IFS, as reprint original from archive works, but I’m not sure if that is accessible since it might just be data generated and tied to a result key.


I have a custom way to handle this by populating the customer PO number at time of report generation, but It would be a lot easier and cleaner if I could just access that information.


Any and all advise would be greatly appreciated.




If the requirement is to always show the PO number from the CO at the time of first invoice creation. Maybe you can create a persistent field on customer order and save the value there with a workflow.

Then you can use that field in the custom field for invoice.

Reprint original is just showing the PDF connected to the record in the report archive so the original PO number is not re-fetched from any table in the database. So you can’t access it.




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