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IFS Time Tracker 9 App

Sidekick (Customer)


Hello: I have 2 questions about IFS Time Tracker 9 app. 

Some background of our IFS environment and TAS. 

We are currently on IFS Apps 9. 

We are using the TAS version: IFS Touch Apps Server Time Tracker 9 app version: 2.1 1. 


  1. What is the time out for this app (in minutes)? and Where can we configure this? 
  2. How do I disable Allow Multiple Devices? In Solution Man/ Touch Apps/ Admiration/ Applications - "Allow Multiple Devices" checkbox is enabled for this app. We would like to disable this.
  3. Currently for Time Tracker/ App version 2.1, the Mobile Error handling is set to Client.

    What is the significance in this and what does it do?

    How do we change this value?



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4 replies

Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 187 replies
  • April 14, 2021


  1. What do  you mean with time out? Is it when the user is logged out and need to login again or is it when it selects the data and times out? The latter is usually set to 60 seconds and you can’t change it yourself. The first depends a bit on what authenoication mechainsm you are using. I need to check it up a bit becuase I don’t remember when we introduced several different mechanism. 
  2. I need to check this up. I don’t remember how this was done in IFS applications 9 
  3. Client Error handling cannot be changed is a fixed value. It indicates how the error handling will be. The other value is Server Error handling and then you handle any errors in Failed Transaction.  For Time Tracker it is Client Error handling and you get a message about what the error is and can resolve it from client side. 

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • 18 replies
  • April 14, 2021

Thanks again Johan for your response.


By “time out” I meant below scenario which is common for our field technicians:

The technician logs into the app and does his clock-in.  

After 2 hours, the technician opens the app again to clock-out. During those 2 hours the technician does not use the app (inactive).

But now the technician must enter login info again to perform clock-out.

So we are wondering whether this “time out” of the app due to inactivity can be controlled. Please let me know what you find. 


Stay safe! 

Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 291 replies
  • April 15, 2021

(1) You are referring to TAS session timeout and default is 30 mins. But I don’t think this is configurable. But will verify.

(2) Allow multiple device is design time setting from the cloud resource and cannot be changed at the runtime.

(3) Johan already answered. 




Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • 18 replies
  • April 15, 2021

Thank you very much KATHLK. Please let me know what you find. 


Stay safe!

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