Was trying out the default value from page designs. Rebate Type is a text field. According to the documentation functions are supported. So my idea was to automatically generate a key. by concatenating the RB_ with the number of records (2) + 1. Expectation would be that RB_3 is generated. But it's just giving back the text.

As the documentation mentions https://docs.ifs.com/techdocs/24r2/040_tailoring/225_configuration/200_client_configurations/330_conditional_default_values/#attributes_of_default_value_case_items “The expression that determines the field's value. This value can either be a hard-coded value, a reference to another field, a CSV value or an expression that returns a value compatible with the field's data type. For details about the expression syntax, see Condition Syntax.”
i also tried just using the function; count(["*"]). Expecting a 2. But also just the text ‘count(["*"])’ is shown. Also #TODAY# gives back the text ‘#TODAY#’ instead of the date.
Am i doing something wrong? Or is this not supported?