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Custom Enumeration on standard IFS attribute

  • November 14, 2024
  • 4 replies


Question, is it possible to use a Custom Enumeration (or other created LOV) and add it to a standard IFS attribute in the page configurator?

We would like to have a stricter regime on an IFS standard attribute which is just a string column with no functionality. I.e. Document Title – ISO Classification. For this one case we already have created an “idea” which is accepted, ISO classification of Documents, which is good. But in general (for other cases) we would have liked to just create a Custom Enumeration and then connect it to the already existing IFS standard attribute (not a CF$ custom field) using the Page Configurator.


Is this possible, and we have just missed it? Or is this not possible without creating a new Custom Attribute and hide the IFS standard column? If not possible, is there a reason, or is it something for the Idea board?

4 replies

Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • 1142 replies
  • November 14, 2024

@HAFINGMUN you cannot achieve this with a configuration. You would need to go for a modification and change the projection file via IFS Developer Studio.

I would advise to keep this as a configuration and:

  • create custom ennumeration
  • create custom attribute - reference the custom ennum
  • Page Designer: hide standard field and display Custom Attribute

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 4 replies
  • November 14, 2024

Hi ​@Marcel.Ausan

Thanks for your reply. Your approach is what we have currently implemented.

I would still like to know if this is something that could be considered to put in the IFS framework.
I will add it into Ideas instead if I don’t get any responses on wetter this has already been considered by IFS R&D and been declined.

Rukmal Fernando
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 390 replies
  • November 15, 2024

@HAFINGMUN on 24R2, there is a new capability to add validations to fields, so that is one way that you can enforce your stricter regime.

Note however that these validations are intended to prevent data entry errors, so are only applied on the UI level. In other words, the Projection and the database do not enforce these conditional validations, so “invalid” data can still be entered by going straight to the projection for example.

See more here:

Best regards,


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 4 replies
  • November 15, 2024

Thanks Rukmal for your feedback!


Great that the conditional field functionality is back in 24R2 in a flexible great way!

I see what you mean that it can be used to validate that the users enter correct values, and appreciate that. However it does not provide the same ease of use like a pre-defined drop down list would.


That the conditional formatting will only affect the UI level is fine, which was also the intention I meant for a solution where you could attach a custom made enumeration to the attribute in the page configurator. Might be that my suggestion is not technically possible to implement in the framework though.

Best regards,



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