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Ifs cloud report designer

  • September 24, 2024
  • 1 reply


Hello, quick question about report designer ;

I have a cell where I want to add a condition
The condition itself is pretty simple, if the customer order is CREDIT, add a ‘- - ‘ (negative) symbol at the start of the field.

I have already found a part of the solution, but what is the correct syntax to add the ‘-’ atr the start of my field cell ?

Current stat of condition is ;



Which is only making the cell visible if it is a CUSTORDCRE for now.

Best regards

1 reply

Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • 1142 replies
  • September 24, 2024

@Romain_SNP do you need 2 negative simbols → ‘- - ‘ or would just one suffice ‘-’? If you need 2 minus signes, then you would need to use the concat function after having casted the numeric field to a char using the to_char() function.

If you only wanna show a minus simbol and I assume the field you wanna show/hide is a numeric field (some amount) so you could edit the cell → and multiply the value with -1.

For example if the amount = 100 you can edit the cell to show amount *(-1) → I assume this should work.


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