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Engineering Part Navigator (Copy/Paste Approvals)

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 77 replies

In IEE, we used to use a screen called “engineering part revision”. This screen doesn’t exist in cloud and that is okay but on the engineering part revision screen, there was a tab for “approval process”. We got used to using this tab and it made pushing out multiple products through approvals super east. We use approvals templates and we have optimized them to be as generic as possible. Today, we change the approval lines of placeholder users and then we delete the users who don’t need to approve. Once we make our changes and we have 2 or more parts that we’re setting up that need the same edited approvals, the copy all lines > rmb > edit > copy object. In cloud, I can copy the object but I can’t paste it into the attachments section under approvals. Any help is appreciated. Being able to paste these would help us tremendously.


iee, i can copy and paste approval lines to multiple new parts
I can copy the lines in the attachments > approvals but it won’t let me paste them to another part.
no option to paste or any indication that I have something in my clipboard to paste.


3 replies

  • Hero (Customer)
  • 260 replies
  • August 12, 2024

I’ve looked at this and came up blank. You can’t easily modify this absent potentially client files modification, these attachment panels are not really configurable.


I’ve tried to see if you could replicate the approvals view from Apps 10 too, but you can’t really, if you add the ApprovalRouting entity to a projection configuration, it can only be set to read only, so you could theoretically make it APPEAR in its own tab but you then wouldn’t be able to do any action on the rows, not even approve/reject, much less copy/paste.


This change by the way seems to affect all areas that HAD a separate tabs for approvals, including the Engineering Part Revision, but also Change Requests, and Document Revisions.


Here’s an example of me recreating the tab for Approval Process in Change Requests through Projection Configuration, Entity Association Mapping and Page Designer, but you can see that like I said, the projection entity association is automatically set to Read Only, and therefore I can retrieve the data in a tab, but I can’t do anything with it (No CUD operations):


Read operation is the only Operation Allowed


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 77 replies
  • August 19, 2024

@SimonTestard , It’s very strange to me because it allows us to copy the lines but won’t allow us to paste them. I think I’ll open a ticket.

  • Hero (Customer)
  • 260 replies
  • August 19, 2024

The fact you can’t paste is likely to the fact you can’t use the “+” button either, and you have to use a command (New Approval Step) to add a row. That’s likely because the entity is not set to allow direct Create Operations without going through a Command.


You can copy rows on any list entity but you wouldnt get the Paste Option unless you can specifically also insert/click + manually.


Let us know if IFS says otherwise, but I’m pretty sure this is a limitation by design unfortunately.


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