Starting a discussion on this topic as we seem to have uncovered a bug not previously noted on IFS community which is impacting SQL Quick Reports. We have raised this as a case with IFS who are currently investigating. In the meantime I am keen to hear from other customers on IFS Apps 10 Update 23 using EE who may or may not be experiencing this issue.
Specifically, when running “SQL Statement” type Quick Reports the Parameter’s Screen is blank. Previously this would provide inputs for the various parameters held within our SQL statement, such as Order No.

The SQL code from the reports has not changed, and this happens on all existing and any new reports created. Crystal Report type Quick Reports are working, prompting for parameters correctly as expected. I can confirm that the SQL code is correct as when running it in SQL query tool, the parameters are prompted for as expected.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem, and if so, do you have a workaround?
I am equally keen to hear from any other customer on Upd23 without this issue.