Trying to get a Crystal Reports server working for a cloud upgrade.
IFS is showing error
Error in retrieving the parameters
I also can’t change the logging values for Crystal Reports from IFS
If I try to save a change I get
com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed
I have tried changing the crystal server address in system config to the IP address and that changed the error when trying to enable logs to:
Return value to config logs not found.
I have tested all users from the crystal server and they are able to log into sql
Built a new server- same problem
It doesn’t log anything but if I go to this page
It does log
14/2023 3:53:19 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
11/14/2023 3:53:19 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
11/14/2023 3:53:19 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-TESTPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
11/14/2023 3:53:19 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
11/14/2023 3:53:19 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
11/14/2023 3:53:19 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-TESTPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
11/14/2023 3:53:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
11/14/2023 3:53:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
11/14/2023 3:53:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-TESTPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
11/14/2023 3:53:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
11/14/2023 3:53:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
11/14/2023 3:53:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-TESTPDB AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
Nothing that seems useful
Went over all the pre-requisites etc and just can’t find the issue