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Error on external file upload: Control Rule Not Satisfied

Sidekick (Customer)


I’m trying to import a bank statetement to use for bank reconciliation with External File Assistant

I use the template STDBNKSTAT.

All I need to transfer from the bank is an amount and a date.

I try to import a file with that data, looking like this:



It is matching the column ID’s of the External File Template:


When I try to import that, I get the error : “Control Rule Not Satisfied”

Do I need to fill all the columns in the file or is there a header missing?

I hope someone can help me out.


BR Kresten

3 replies

  • 19 replies
  • March 29, 2021

Not sure if you’ve resolved this error already, but I believe that error occurs because the data is in the wrong column location or the data is in the wrong format.  Check that your date format is correct and the data is in the right column order.  You do not need all the columns filled in but you do need the following per the example below.  This should work with the delivered bank statement template if you change the Separator to Comma and upload a CSV.  For the H row (the header row), the amount in the 4th column should be the total of all the D rows (detail rows).  YOUR SUPPL OR CUST ID should be changed to the supplier or customer ID’s in your system. Supplier payments are usually negative amounts, customer payments are positive amounts:

H;2020-10-7;0;140;;;;;;Bank Transactions 10.06.2020;;;;
D;2020-10-7;*;USD ;20;;;YOUR SUPPL OR CUST ID;GNPAY;General Payment;;;;;;;;;;;
D;2020-10-7;*;USD ;20;;;YOUR SUPPL OR CUST ID;GNPAY;General Payment;;;;;;;;;;;
D;2020-10-7;*;USD ;500;;;YOUR SUPPL OR CUST ID;GNPAY;General Payment;;;;;;;;;;;
D;2020-10-7;*;USD ;100;;;YOUR SUPPL OR CUST ID;SUPAY;Supplier Payment;TEST13;;;;;;;;;;
D;2020-10-7;*;USD ;-500;;;YOUR SUPPL OR CUST ID;CUPAY;Customer Payment;;;;;;;;;;;

Shardha Weeratunga
Hero (Employee)

Hi @krestensb 

Is this issue solved? in which Track are you in, APP8 or APP9?


  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 17 replies
  • May 6, 2021

You need to specify LINE TYPE to satisfy the STDBNKSTAT controls. So, you need to include another row that starts with H for the header row and then your second row try this and it should work: D;01-08-2020;;;123;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


I learned a trick that may help you;  Go to External File Template and search for STDBNKSTAT. Then click on the “Input Files Tab” and on this form do a RMB and click “External File Template Control” to see this hidden screen that displays the controls being enforced for the selected template!!  ~Enjoy~  Tom


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