Hi community,
Current version: IFS Cloud 21R2 UPD8
I’m facing an issue in “Page Designer” when switching from “Global context” where some pages have been revoked to a new personalized context.
Issue faced is that I have not found any way to redisplay pages which have been revoked voluntary in a Global context, so I’m not able anymore to grant them to a personalized context like “adminsi” mentioned in screenshots below.
=> please see comments in screenshots below

Issue faced in “Page designer” is in opposite of “Navigator designer” which is working as expected!
Nb: 58 changes have been made in Global context, so please don’t ask me to redo all modifications already provided in Global context before creating the personalized context and then to apply changes after again...
Page designer should normally work same as Navigator designer and display the revoked pages/revoked navigations don’t you think so?
Question: How can I redisplay revoked pages done in a “Global” context in a new personalized context without changing existing Global context?
Hoping someone can help me on issue faced!