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Personalized context: Page designer appearance issue


Hi community,

Current version: IFS Cloud 21R2 UPD8

I’m facing an issue in “Page Designer” when switching from “Global context” where some pages have been revoked to a new personalized context.

Issue faced is that I have not found any way to redisplay pages which have been revoked voluntary in a Global context, so I’m not able anymore to grant them to a personalized context like “adminsi” mentioned in screenshots below.

 => please see comments in screenshots below





Issue faced in “Page designer” is in opposite of “Navigator designer” which is working as expected!

Nb: 58 changes have been made in Global context, so please don’t ask me to redo all modifications already provided in Global context before creating the personalized context and then to apply changes after again...

Page designer should normally work same as Navigator designer and display the revoked pages/revoked navigations don’t you think so?

Question: How can I redisplay revoked pages done in a “Global” context in a new personalized context without changing existing Global context?

Hoping someone can help me on issue faced!

7 replies


Hello @LakmaliRD WOuld you have inputs for that customer please ?

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 5 replies
  • June 17, 2022

Welcome Lakmali,

Concerned customer is “Axione” on “CFG” & “UAT” database, where many changes in “Global contexte” & “Personalized context” are required through “Page designer” & “Navigator designer”.

Current issue faced in only in “Page designer” when creating a new “personalized context”.

Hope my screenshots where enough to understand issue faced!

Don’t hesitate to revert to me in case of concern,

Thanks & Regards,


Hero (Partner)

Hi Didier,

This is the standard behavior of Page Designer and Global Context. The default or base configuration context is the global context. All the Configurations in the global context affects all users in an environment in the same way it affects all the Custom Contexts. The IFS recommendation is to use Custom Contexts instead of doing changes directly on Global Context as it’s the default or base configuration context. 

To support multiple parallel configurations of the same page, separate custom contexts should be defined. Therefore, ideally, you should have used a custom context instead of the global context.

You have 2 options to fix the issue:

  1. Clear the Global Context and do the changes in a Custom Context
  2. Add the missing changes to your newly created Custom Context

    e.g: To add the missing elements ‘Displayed Names’ and ‘Other Personal Data’

    Step1 -Add the elements
    As per your images those elements are of type ‘Group’

    Step2: select the group name as ‘PersonalInfoDisplayGroup’

    Step3: repeat the same steps and add Other Personal Data as 'PersonalInfoMiscGroup'

    Finally: save and publish the changes and then assign this context to relevant users 

    I hope following these steps you will be able to fix your issue and let me know if you find any errors.


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 5 replies
  • July 7, 2022

Hi Ranuka,

First of all, thanks for your feedback much appreciated, Even if your explanations are clear for me, I'm very disappointed regarding “standard IFS behavior related to “Page designer”?

Currently more than 80 personalizations have already been provided in “Global” context and why it has been done like that:

More than 500 users are currently concerned by revoking functionalities in pages and only 1 user (ADMIN_SI) must not be concerned by these changes. So, it was therefore wise to make all modifications in a “Global” context, instead of making them in a “Personalized” context & only for 1 user.

Now, following database updates that we have recently (22R1 UPD3), I’m able to see in “Page designer that “revoked” functionalities are displayed correctly (=> pls see screenshot below). It was not the case before in 21R2 UPD8 as mentioned on top of this post. It was not the case before in 21R2 UPD8 as mentioned on top of this post.

But it is still not possible in a personalize context to “revert” revoked functionalities?

Sure, that your proposal will work, but it is huge to undo all modifications provided in a Global context and to provide them again in a “Personalize context”
Following that, for “configuration context mapping” will have to manage a user Group with more than 500 users in this group instead of 1 user…

For me, this a bug or an enhancement not yet done in 22R1 UPD3, and it must not be considered as a “standard IFS behavior”. As already mentioned previously, display is working as expected in personalized context through “Navigator designer” and for me, it must be same behavior in “Page designer”! don’t you think so?

Thanks & Regards

Hero (Partner)

Hi Didier,

I checked and compared with several cloud latest versions and noticed some changes in both Page & Navigator designers. Anyway this could be a bug or a new enhancement. I’m having discussions with RnD on this topic and get back to you with more information. 


Thanks & Regards,


Hero (Partner)

Hi Didier, 
I was able to have a couple of discussions with RnD experts related to your inquiry. What they mentioned was Global is the core context layer and it’s possible to override the core layer using a custom Context.  But at the time when you create a new context if that particular element was deleted in the core global context, then it shouldn’t allow you to revert it back from the custom context neither it should be visible. 
Therefore, they confirmed that this is the standard behavior in page/navigator designer and is correct. Customers shouldn’t have done changes like these in Global Context instead they would have used a custom context.
Further, they mentioned that deleted items from the Core Global context should not even be visible in the customs context, and it is a bug as it is confusing. They will remove it in their next release. 

Unfortunately, you will have to revisit all the deleted configurations done in the Global context.

Thanks & Regards,

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 5 replies
  • August 3, 2022

Hi Ranuka,

Thanks you for your clear explanations. Indeed there was a bug on IFS side, but from my side unfortunately not the expected one...😑

On customer side, solution for only one user is too huge and we are moving towards keeping all changes in the “global” context.

“ADMINSI” profile will be anyway able to display global context changes, I mean, revoked entries provided through Navigator & Pages designer.

Fyi, in case they want to revert, revoked functionalities, they will check & revert if needed on a “DEV” or “CFG” IFS Cloud database before.

I will make them a procedure for “Navigator” & “Page” designer.

I wish you a great day ahead,
Thanks & Regards,

PS: Message for R&D team: It was really more simple previously on EE (Base Profile & Personal Profiles changes) compared to AURENA (Global Context & Personalized Context) especially in this case, for only one concerned user (the famous “ADMINSI” profile)  😊

Thanks in advance for your understanding


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