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IFS9 instace reinstall

Sidekick (Customer)

Hi, I need some document instance reinstallation for IFS9. Sometimes we have 503 error. I tried stop & start servers but not ok. 

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Charith Epitawatta
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi @KamuranCanakli,

Your question is not quite clear. Could you please add more details regarding the error you get so that we can see if there is a better solution than resorting to re-install the instance?

  • The full error you get and perhaps relevant log files from Middleware Server.
  • When/where in the application do you get this error.
  • Any changes you made to the system prior to starting to see the error. 
  • Whether you see the error in all environments or only some of them. 

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 14 replies
  • March 25, 2022

Hi, I’m very new to the world of IFS and Oracle. I don’t have enough information. After the power outage we started getting 503 Service temporarily unavailable error in test environment Win2016Server. Before restarted server.  I tried connect to oracle from sql developer but I couldn’t. After I started Oracle and its work. I tried run IFS and I have 503 error. I used stop_all_servers and start_all_servers in command line. I have error in start_all_servers result “ManagedServer1 could not be started.“  


Our IFS consultants said that they solved the problem by resintalling the instance and restart Oracle. Generally I have similar problem after restore database to test environment. 


I want to learn solve like this the problem. 

Ragul Ravindira
Hero (Employee)

Hello @KamuranCanakli ,


This seems like any connection related issues when connecting to the Managed server. Could you please try the below mentioned steps and check whether it helps? 


1. Check whether the Database connection is up and running.

2. Navigate to <IFS_HOME>\instance\<instance_name>\bin and execute 'stop_all_servers.cmd'.

3. Execute 'stop_http_nodemanager.cmd'.

4. Execute 'stop_as_nodemanager.cmd'.

5. Go to Windows services from the Task Manager and restart all the IFS services. And check whether all the IFS services are in the 'Running' state.

6. Navigate back to to: <IFS_HOME>\instance\<instance_name>\bin and execute 'start_as_nodemanager.cmd'.

7. Execute 'start_http_nodemanager.cmd'.

8. Execute 'start_all_servers.cmd'.


Then check whether the application is up and running. If it is not resolved then you can try running an Application reconfiguration to the instance. Hopefully it should resolve the issue.


Best Regards,

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 14 replies
  • March 25, 2022

Hello @Ragul,

I tried all.  I have error in start_all_servers result “ManagedServer1 could not be started.“  I curious how can I an appilication reconfiguration to the instance ? Which I use tool ?

Ragul Ravindira
Hero (Employee)

Hello @KamuranCanakli ,


Could you please execute the ‘check_server_status.cmd ‘ and upload a screen capture of it?


Best Regards,


Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 14 replies
  • March 25, 2022


Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 14 replies
  • March 25, 2022

its already running. I do not have any problem. 


Charith Epitawatta
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi @KamuranCanakli

KamuranCanakli wrote:


...After the power outage we started getting 503 Service temporarily unavailable error in test environment...

...Our IFS consultants said that they solved the problem by resintalling the instance and restart Oracle. Generally I have similar problem after restore database to test environment. 


Judging by this, I am assuming there was some issue in database side so the database had to be restarted.

In IFS Middleware Server, there are datasources that provide database connections for users who login to the application via IEE, for integrations and for other internal tasks that requires a database connection. If there is a problem in the database, then it could suspend these data sources in the Middleware Server. When that happens, typically you would get 503 server errors. 

In a situation like this, you can follow an action plan similar to this:

  1. Stop all servers in IFS Middleware Server.
  2. Restart the database.
  3. Start all servers in IFS Middleware Server. and check whether all the servers are running afterwards.

@Ragul Ravindira has mentioned the scripts you need to run in order to stop and start the Middleware Server, so you can follow those steps. 

If this does not work, you can try to do a re-configuration of the Middleware Server. From your description, I think that’s what your consultants have done, not a re-install but a re-configure. 

I have attached a document here which explains how to do a re-configuration. You can follow the instructions mentioned in the document. (You do not need to change any values in the installer when doing a reconfiguration for an issue like this. But you will be asked to enter certain passwords.) After the reconfiguration, check whether the servers are all running again and see if the problem is resolved. 

Hope this helps!

Sidekick (Customer)
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  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 14 replies
  • March 28, 2022

Thank you so much everyone. I will try them all as soon as possible.

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 14 replies
  • April 14, 2022

Hi, I restored backup again. I can connect Oracle Database from SQL Developer. IFS services are running but IFS do not run.


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