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Print Manager - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

  • December 28, 2021
  • 6 replies

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 25 replies

Hello Everyone,

I have found a couple different threads regarding printing and receiving this “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” error.  Unfortunately I’m not sure that any of those were able to give me a solution.

We have a process that is supposed to print a new Crystal report we created.  If it runs through the process it receives the error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”.  However if I then just reprint it sending it to the same printer there is no issue.  This can be seen in this screenshot:


Would this be some type of permissions issue with the report that I am missing?  I looked at the presentation object that we created and IFSPRINT does have authority to the presentation object.

Here is our crystal log if that helps as well, but it actually looks like there isn’t any issue here and runs fine.

12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[DecryptPassword] Decrypting Password : CgQIpYEUa2VbVlOMlqi9HFRZDDpTyALte5tU
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[DecryptPassword] Decrypting Password : CgQIt12VR8RNQOEAvuJUU6ujZaHacKQOJcJC
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Decrypted.
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-ifssys DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-IFSPROD AppOwner-CHIE1APP IALOwner-CHIE1INFO
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetSavedPDFReport] Exporting the report in PDF format.
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetSavedPDFReport] File Name : 40C044.rpt
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetSavedPDFReport] ParameterValues : 5593782 ,LangCode = en
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[base64Encode] for 5593782
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[base64Encode] Encoded value : NTU5Mzc4Mg==
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[base64Decode] for NTU5Mzc4Mg==
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[base64Decode] Decoded to 5593782
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[OpenReport] File Name : en\40C044.rpt
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetAppSetting] Get the value for OpenReportPath from Web.config.
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[OpenReport] The file C:\ifsreports\en\40C044.rpt is found
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetAppSetting] Get the value for OpenReportPath from Web.config.
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[LoadInfoServiceReport] Loading infoServe report : C:\ifsreports\en\40C044.rpt
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[LoadInfoServiceReport] DBUser = IFSPRINT ,DBPassword : ******* ,DBServerName : IFSPROD ,AppOwner : CHIE1APP
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[LoadInfoServiceReport] Setting up logon information for each database object.
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[SetTableLocation] Set appropriate post-fixes for CHIEF_KIT_LABEL_REP
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[SetDatabaseLocation] Generating fully qualified database object name for CHIEF_KIT_LABEL_REP
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[SetDatabaseLocation] Table.Location : CHIE1APP.CHIEF_KIT_LABEL_REP
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetSavedPDFReport] SubReport count : 0
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[SetInfoServiceReportParameters] Result Key : 5593782 - Setting up parameters for InfoServices report.
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[SetInfoServiceReportParameters] Formula Form : IFS_RESULT_KEY
12/28/2021 1:23:46 PM[IFSCRWebSetup]-[GetSavedPDFReport] Report of layout 40C044.rpt has been exported successfully.


Thanks for any help that anyone can provide,

Derek Hansen

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6 replies

  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 394 replies
  • December 29, 2021

Hi @hansend 


In my opinion this is not missing permission sets problem because in CR Web logs there is no any information about it. Which IFS version is it? How long does the problem exist? Maybe this is connected with any OS system/IFS Applications updates?


Best Regards


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 25 replies
  • December 29, 2021

Hello @knepiosko,

Thanks for the response.

This is from Apps 10 Update 12. 

I have been doing more testing and I had an interesting situation where I sent five print jobs at once for the same report to have different data (simple print jobs, just different part numbers).  Two of the five jobs went through and printed fine.  The other three were in error with this same error.  So the report is working from time to time.  In this instance as well there were not any Crystal Report errors.

Are you aware of any type of logging that the Print Agent may be doing which I would be able to look at?  I’ve been going through logs that I know of but I don’t think I am looking at the right place.



  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 394 replies
  • December 29, 2021

Hi @hansend 


Please check IntServer, ManagedServer, j2ee log files or just gather ifsdump zip file.

You also can try configure multiple CRWeb services:


Best Regards

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 25 replies
  • December 29, 2021


Thanks, I’ll give those a look.

I appreciate the suggestion for configuring multiple CRWeb Services, but we do have three already so I don’t know if that means more are needed, but I will dive into those other logs and see what I find.



  • 276 replies
  • July 11, 2022

Hi @hansend , Were you able to solve this, please?

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 25 replies
  • July 15, 2022



It has been a while, but if I recall correctly we reconfigured the print server and it started to pick up the prints correctly.  

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