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Crystal report changes not showing in IFS

  • September 17, 2021
  • 5 replies


I have created a report in Crystal and saved locally - when I deploy the changes to the IFST/Layout folders the changes are not showing.  I have stopped and restarted the MWS but this has not fixed the issue.  Does anyone have any advice  ?

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5 replies

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 30 replies
  • September 17, 2021


If you copy the crystal report file (rpt file) to the crystal library location defined,  cross check file name and the IFS Application end report layout name. Both needs to be exactly same, also if you modifying the files and replacing make sure to move the older version to achieve folder or re-name it. Never replace the file with the new version.
Check the system parameters to be sure about the IIS crystal web service instance pointing to correct environment and the location you copy the file.

Hope above points will assist you to troubleshoot.


Hero (Employee)


As you talk about MWS I’m assuming this is Apps9 or above and you are using IFS EE or Aurena Client.

  1. From the system parameters check the machine where the Crystal Web Service (CWS) is installed and the virtual directly name. Make sure you copied the layouts to that folder.
  2. In the machine where you have installed CWS go to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<virtual directory) and edit the web.config file  and check the folder under <add key="OpenReportPath" value="C:\Report Layouts" /> tag. Check if you have copied the files to the same location.
  3. Make sure that you have give the correct file name in Report Definition or Quick Report Configuration.
  4. If this is Operational Reports, then make sure that you have copied the layouts to the correct language folder(s).
  5. Make sure that when saving the report from Crystal Report Designer, that you have not saved the report with Data. (File Menu).



  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 42 replies
  • October 14, 2021
ChanakaAmarasekara wrote:


As you talk about MWS I’m assuming this is Apps9 or above and you are using IFS EE or Aurena Client.

  1. From the system parameters check the machine where the Crystal Web Service (CWS) is installed and the virtual directly name. Make sure you copied the layouts to that folder.
  2. In the machine where you have installed CWS go to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<virtual directory) and edit the web.config file  and check the folder under <add key="OpenReportPath" value="C:\Report Layouts" /> tag. Check if you have copied the files to the same location.
  3. Make sure that you have give the correct file name in Report Definition or Quick Report Configuration.
  4. If this is Operational Reports, then make sure that you have copied the layouts to the correct language folder(s).
  5. Make sure that when saving the report from Crystal Report Designer, that you have not saved the report with Data. (File Menu).





What if you’ve done all these things but still when report is moved to document library, both language folders and then run in IFS is appears unchanged? 


I have a suppression formula in one of my sections. When I use result key from IFS to Preview report in Crystal seems all okay, when report is moved to IFS not so okay. Looks unchanged. 




Hero (Employee)


Then it seems strange.

Why don’t you try a dummy layout and see that is working as expected through IFS. Then you can be sure that all is going to the correct places and maybe it’s the suppression logic that is effecting it.



  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 42 replies
  • October 14, 2021
ChanakaAmarasekara wrote:


Then it seems strange.

Why don’t you try a dummy layout and see that is working as expected through IFS. Then you can be sure that all is going to the correct places and maybe it’s the suppression logic that is effecting it.



Hi Chanaka,


It was formula. I used single quotes in one of my lines instead of double quotes. I work lots with SQL not enough with Crystal formulas... Very silly mistake. 



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