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Quick Report in Application Configuration Package


Can we deploy several Quick Reports via Application Configuration Package in IFS10 UPD9, I tried to create one ACP but cannot add report in it, getting following error. any pointers to resolve this.

I am adding from this Quick report from Solution Manager but Right Clicking on it and using ‘Add to Package’ option.



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9 replies

Charith Epitawatta
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi @OrangeCloud,

You should be able to add multiple quick repots to a single ACP.This could be due to Custom Objects Service Provider not being initialized properly by the time you RMB and try to add the report to the ACP. Could you try restarting IEE and then try to add the reports to the ACP again? It would be better to wait for about a minute before adding the first item to the ACP to allow some time for Custom Objects Service Provider metadata to be loaded. 

Hope this helps. 

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • August 13, 2021

Thanks @Charith Epitawatta  restarting or waiting doesn’t help.

Does the tables, views used in reports need some specials grants to appear in the ‘Add’ dialog box from within ACP, if not using Right Mouse button menu on Quick report itself.
I cannot see any report appearing in that window to add to the package either, even after clicking ‘Populate’ or search for a specific name of a report.


Charith Epitawatta
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi @OrangeCloud,

Please check following permissions under “IFS Custom Objects” branch in “Presentation Objects by Component” tree. 


Hope this helps!

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • August 13, 2021

Thanks @Charith Epitawatta this does not help. same errors.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • August 13, 2021

@Charith Epitawatta This is the error/Issue during our IFS8 to IFS10-UPD9 upgrade project. I notice that reports created in IFS10 are good and can be added to ACP without error.

Reports that are coming from IFS8 are missing row_key field in Quick_Report table.  so one of the parameter value is missing in IFSAPP.App_Config_Package_Item_API.Add_Item_To_Package.

I wonder if there is a way to fix this. It will be nice if we can update 50+ quick reports via ACP rather than pasting one by one.

Charith Epitawatta
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

HI @OrangeCloud,

In that case, sounds like either a bug or a manually deployable script was not deployed. Usually there are pre/post installation scripts that should be deployed to add missing values for newly added columns. 

I had a quick look at some upgrade scripts and I could find below in one of them.

	columns_       Installation_SYS.ColumnTabType;
	table_name_    VARCHAR2(30) := 'QUICK_REPORT_TAB';
	Installation_SYS.Set_Table_Column(columns_, 'ROWKEY', 'VARCHAR2(50)', 'Y', '$DEFAULT_NULL$', NULL);
	Installation_SYS.Alter_Table(table_name_, columns_);

As you can see it is adding the new ROWKEY column to quick_report_tab here and seems to be setting it as a nullable column(fourth parameter in Set_Table_Column method is nullable).

It also seems to set NULL as the default value. Ideally, this should be something like “SYS_GUID()” so that it would set a value if it is not explicitly. 

Please check on your database whether the ROWKEY column is nullable in quick_report_tab. Also check if a default value is given or not. Following is how the table looks like in our reference environments. 

In any case, I think you should open a case with IFS and report this issue at this point. 

Hope this helps!

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • August 16, 2021

@Charith Epitawatta we fixed the issue or RowKey now, I can add quick reports to ACP and do import/export.
the use case her is to update existing quick reports. we have several reports with minor tweaks to them upgrading from IFS8 to IFS10. when import package into another IFS10 environment i get following error.
does that mean ACP for quick reports will work only for new reports and we cannot update existing quick reports using ACP-Quick reports. can you please help me clarify


Charith Epitawatta
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi @OrangeCloud,


OrangeCloud wrote:

does that mean ACP for quick reports will work only for new reports and we cannot update existing quick reports using ACP-Quick reports. can you please help me clarify


I checked this internally and you should be allowed to import already existing reports. Perhaps since these reports are coming from IFSAPP8 upgrade, you could be facing some issues.

If you open the debug console before importing, you would be able to see where it errors out and then copy the PLSQL statement and do a debug with a tool like PL/SQL Developer. 

If you are still in upgrade phase, better inform your upgrade team at IFS.


How did you get the rowkey issue resolved, by the way? Did you manually update the columns with sys_guid() method? 

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • August 19, 2021

Thanks @Charith Epitawatta I will take import issue to our upgrade team at IFS. appreciate your quick help. it proves very valuable.

we resolved rowkey issue by executing following command. I dont see Rowkey column as sys_guid() but NULL in our IFS10, however i can successfully add quick reports to the package.

EXEC Database_SYS.Enable_Rowkey('QuickReport');

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