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Disable Data Synchronization Functionality


Data synchronization related FNDRPL component is installed in an environment. Data Synchronization functionality is not yet used, but hoping to use it in future.

Since FNDRPL component is installed, custom objects related database packages contains data sync related code segments and any custom objects related data manipulation will create data sync related messages in repl_buffer_tab.   As message queues are not setup, these messages will be there in the repl_buffer_tab consuming excessive LOB space. They will not get cleaned up as the message status is ‘Released’.

Please let me know whether there is a configuration to disable data synchronization to prevent above mentioned situation. 

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  • Superhero (Employee)
  • June 7, 2021

Hi Anne,


Hope below will give you some points to try out. 

In the data synchronization configuration window there is a setting as above. Setting to OFF might help for your problem. (I haven’t tried this).


Also replication related data repairs we use below code snippet to switch of the replication


You can follow through this and see this maps to any IEE setting

hope this helps. 





Hi @Anne Fernando,

Im not sure whether there’s any configuration to block this, since your requirement is to not to trigger data sync related messages in repl_buffer_tab. There’s no single property or variable to stop the trigger since different triggers are with different conditions.


If the environment is not using data Synchronization functionality yet, cant we use the Component_Fndrpl_SYS.INSTALLED to be FALSE to stop the replication




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