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Work Order Cost Report




wondering does IFS have a report in Service and Maintenance Module, can cater to my below interests.

  1. i want to get an idea of how much of a certain work type has costed us till date
  1. and get an idea of the costs associated with all the no part, part requisitions and material orders. 

Thank you.

  • Superhero (Partner)
  • May 17, 2023

Hi @ronhu

You can get this information form the screen Work Task Transaction Analysis. You need to filter the date base on your requirements.

E.g. Filter on work type to see all the cost till date for the respective work type

Filter on part no column and cost type Material to see the total cost associated with the material order for the respective part

Filter on comment column for no parts ( comment column capture the no part & non-inventory part details information's) and cist type as External


FYI, explanation on cost types

  1. Personnel - A cost line with this cost type is generated when hours are reported for a resource.
  2. Material - A cost line with this cost type is generated when material is issued from inventory.
  3.  External - These are the costs related to purchases. The cost line is created when costs are manually reported for the External cost type or when costs are connected to a purchase requisition. The cost is retrieved from the Requisitions tab when the purchase receipt is entered in IFS/Purchasing and/or when the supplier invoice is entered and matched to the purchase order in IFS/Invoice.
  4.  Expenses - Expenses are, for example, travel and hotel costs. A cost line is created when costs are manually reported for the Expenses cost type or for HR expenses.
  5. Fixed Price - This cost type is only used in IFS/Service Management. A cost line is created when costs are manually reported for the Fixed Price cost type or if a payment plan exists for the object.
  6. Tool/Equipment - A cost line with this cost type is generated when hours are reported on a tool or equipment.



Hope this helps!!


Mithun K V

  • Hero (Customer)
  • May 17, 2023

@EqeMithuV Thank you for your input.

May I know this window includes the Purchase Requisitions(part and no-part) cost ?

  • Superhero (Partner)
  • May 18, 2023

Hi @ronhu,

It does show all transactions which include Purchase Requisitions(part and no-part) cost. For more specific report then search with the below filter option to see all the cost associated with the purchase requisitions for non-inventory & no-parts 

Cost Type : External

Status: Not Applicable; Overtaken

But for inventory parts it bit different as you cannot see any cost transactions until you issue the inventory purchased part against pegged materials requisition and we cannot search in work task transaction analysis screen more specifically for issued parts which are only purchased through respective work order. You can see cost of inventory purchased using below search (this includes any material directly issued from inventory without purchasing it through work order purchase requisition)

Cost type: Material

For more specific search for only purchased inventory part against the work order you can search on purchase order lines screen by filtering all Arrived/Received/Closed lines with demand code as work order.


Mithun K V


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