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Supplier invoice - No POs


Our process at moment for supplier invoices with no PO is to try and collate them and send them out to whoever we this is responsible


Does anyone have a better approach, maybe one where we can assign the the invoice to a colleague and they will see via a report or lobby element?

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Dear SMcLees,

If i understood your business requirement correctly, You want to let your other colleagues aware on manual supplier invoices without POs.

In that case you can use , Send to Colleague option.

Step 1.


Step 2 : Selecting receiver and Adding a note ( you can set the urgency also )


3.Finally your colleague can check the messages he got under my Administration ( He/She can select hyper link and go to relevant invoice also )


Hope this helps.

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • May 5, 2021

Hi  SMcLees


If you can get the Invoices accounted, then you can use the Authorization Assigning Rules, to automatically assign Invoices to the users.

In below screenshots, all Invoices accounted to Code Part Vessel as V005, will automatically fetch the authorizers from rule ADDV005





You can use those mentioned before Authorization rules if you have switched on option Use Posting Proposal on Company level.


If not you can use option Send to colleague.


Thanushi Jayaweera
Superhero (Employee)

Hi @SMcLees ,

As mentioned above the ‘Send to Colleague’ option would be ideal for your requirement I feel.

As you have mentioned that you need to assign it to a responsible you can add this person as an authorizer in the invoice itself when you have a Posting Proposal Company.

RMB on the Manual Supplier Invoice > Authorize tab 


By adding this step, the responsible person will need to authorize the invoice before it can be finally posted.

Best Regards,

Malgorzata Palatynska
Hero (Employee)

Hi @SMcLees ,


when you use the Posting Proposal option you can set person, who is responsible for PO arrivals in an invoice recipient field in the Manual Supplier Invoice window.

Then this person in a very simple way can check which invoices and which PO are still waiting for arrival and handle them.
This information is available in the Posting Proposal window.


Best regards,


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