IFS App 10. When a supplier payment order is created and sent to the bank (Nordea, ISO20022) that contains serveral debet and credit invoices (with a total positive amount), the camt054 return file has one <RmtInf> section for the supplier with several <Strd> sub section where each invoice is listed with invoice numbers and amount. This is visible in application messages:

In this example the total amount paid to the supplier is 10473:

When the file is transferred to External File Transactions, all the invoice numbers and amounts are put into one line:

In the Mixed Payment IFS does not match the amounts per invoice (as listed in the camt file), but only matches the last invoice (with the total amount for all the invoices).
Result: no invoice at all is matched, even if the camt054 file contains all the data. The problem is that IFS “put is all toghether in one line” and does not understand the data.
Does anyone know what is wrong?

External Payment Parameter Set-up: