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Currency rate on customer invoice in preliminary status


Can you manually change the rate on a customer invoice (CUSTORDDEB or COADVDEB)? It does not look like it is possible. My question is why the “Currency rate” field is greyed out when the invoice is in Preliminary status? Is there a config somewhere that is blocking that field? Is that standard way in IFS 10? 


It seems like you need to create a currency rate correction (does not work for COADVDEB) and it creates 2 additionnel invoices, one to reverse the original invoice and a second one to recorded a new invoice with the correct rate. Is there a easier way than that?

4 replies

Furkan Zengin
Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 692 replies
  • February 9, 2024

Hello @HuguesG 

By the application design, currency rate field is blocked for manual entry. When the invoice is created, IFS decides how to fetch the rate based on basic data on customer and company.

If you have defined a rate on customer invoice then the rate will be fetched from the defined rate type. Otherwise from invoice section on company.


You cannot change the rate manually, however you can manipulate system if the invoice is in preliminary. Go to currency rate window and find the rate for the invoice date. Change the rate as you wish. Then come back to invoice and change to invoice date to another date and save your record. After this, change invoice date back to original date and save. System will fetch the rate you manipulated. Once you do this, you can set rate back to original.


Hope this helps

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 98 replies
  • February 9, 2024


My understanding is that behaviour is standard.

The invoice currency exchange rate is retrieved from Currency Rates, which is connected to a specific currency rate type. A currency rate type can be defined both on the Default Currency Rate Type field in Customer/Invoice/General 

and on the Default Sell Currency Rate Type field in Company/Accounting Rules/Currency Rate Type Information.

However, priority is given to the specific value defined on the Customer when retrieving the relevant exchange rate. The exchange rate is determined by the base currency rate for the date specified on Company/Invoice/General.



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 5 replies
  • February 9, 2024

Thanks for your responses. I still cannot explain why is it possible to change the rate on an instant invoice, on a manuel customer invoice but not on a customer invoice. My client is dealing a lot with foreign currencies and using hedging to cover the Fx rate. The spot rate fetched from the currency rate table cannot be a valid solution. Also, it is hard to explain to a user that it can be change at instant invoice, customer manuel invoice but not customer invoice...I guess, another area where IFS short fall on.That being said, there must be a reason why it is block for manual entry, i just do not see why.


Thanks again for your quick response, if any of you is hearing other avenue, please do not hesitate.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 5 replies
  • February 9, 2024
ANy ideas why both option are greyed out when use the standard “COADVDEB”?
If i am using the “CUSTORDDEB”, the option “Currency rate corrections” remains greyed out



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