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Tax Template Issue

  • September 21, 2020
  • 1 reply


/Tax Template Field Control / S089 is missing template field “OUTPUTVATEU” as a Field to select.  But OUTPUTVATEU is within Tax Template Field Control Basic.  Could you advise what might be causing this?

1 reply

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 202 replies
  • September 21, 2020

Hi David,

When you go to Tax Template Field Control Basic of the tax template S089, you can see that there is a column call template field type. This is the main logic of the tax report design. In standard IFS solution, you can see following field types. You can use Right Mouse Button option to view the details of the field.

  1. Automatic  -  Only Automatic tax template fields are visible in Tax Template Field Control window to map with tax codes.
  2. Calculated - You can connect other fields to a calculated field and do the action like add/summation, subtract, multiply or divide options. E.g. 1. You map a tax code to OUTPUTVATGOODS and when you want to assign this value for the field OUTPUTVATEU, you can use the option Add and set the connection. E.g. 2. You can get Total VAT Due (OUTPUTVATTOT) by adding two fields OUTPUTVATSTD + OUTPUTVATEU 
  3. Conditional - You can set IF/ELSE conditions for the fields. Check the logic setup in the field NETVAT which will decide your direction for output or input VAT based on the below logic.  IF NETVATNETSALES is greater than Zero, NETVAT = NETVATNETSALES, ELSE NETVAT= NETVATNETPURCH
  4. Constant - You can set a constant value for a field. For an example, in the above condition, we need a constant value Zero (0). So, you can define a field with zero (0) constant.
  5. Manual - This is not applicable for standard UK tax template. There are some coded tax template which you enter manual value 1 or 0, you can select the check boxes in tax declaration layout.
  6. Other Reports - This is not applicable for standard UK tax template. In some countries you report tax disburse and received separately and build a third total report based on the previous reports. 
  7. Information - This is not applicable for standard UK tax template (VAT declaration). But, this is used in EC Sales List. There are some pre-coded fields which fetch data from other sources. E.g. Company Name can be set as an information source.

Hope now you can understand the logic behind the tax template design. As I mentioned, you will only see Automatic fields in Tax Template Field Control window.


Best Regards



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