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Post External Supplier Invoices Without POs

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 3 replies

Hello all,

We use an external programme to manage employee expenses and we wish to upload the expenses as external supplier invoices to IFS to manage payment and accounting. The problem is that these invoices will not have POs to match to in IFS and therefore the posting proposals can’t be posted to the GL as they are unbalanced. We are able to get around this by manually adding a line to the posting proposal to in order to balance, however, with the amount of expenses (supplier invoices) we process this will be very time consuming.

Is there a way to process external invoices with no PO’s to match to or a way to automate the inclusion of a balancing line on the posting proposal? The invoices can be automatically authorized and posted in IFS as they are already manually authorized in the external programme.

Thanks in advance!


9 replies

Ieva Rituma
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 424 replies
  • April 24, 2023

There are posting templates, but these are applied per supplier as default, so a lot of dummy suppliers would be required, depending on the number of different GL posting combinations.


Another option to explore would be to import external supplier invoices with the postings but this assumes that the postings can be added before importing.


The third option would be to apply a configuration to automate the posting template assigned, based on the criteria of the invoice (assuming this can be derived based on the info available). 


Have you considered creating expense sheets in IFS instead of importing expenses as supplier invoices?

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 3 replies
  • April 24, 2023

Thanks for your quick response Ieva! In your second option you say to upload the invoices with the postings - what do you mean by this? We are using the STDSIN1 template as each invoice has multiple lines with costs which need to be posted to different accounts so each invoice is being uploaded with a P type record as well as H and I type records. Should we be adding 2 P type records per item (I type record) instead of 1 to balance?

Many thanks for your advice.

Ieva Rituma
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 424 replies
  • April 24, 2023

That’s correct. The P lines in the STDSIN1 template represent the postings. If a single imported invoice has multiple postings, it should be represented by multiple P lines in the import file. There can be multiple posting lines per invoice, using the template STDSIN1. 



Why not use an external supplier invoice. Obtain the expense report data and load an external supplier invoice.  You can have 1 or multiple posting lines.   Based recent reply, on the STDSIN1 comment, you appear to be using the external supplier invoice.   

Yes, you could have multiple posting lines (P records) per your comments.   The posting lines need to be numbered 1,2,3,4 etc and connected to an invoice line for example invoice line 1.    It really depends on your expense report and the accounting generated from that.  If your expense reporting process does not generate expense postings, then you probably nerd multiple expense lines on the invoice.  If your expense report produces a balance such as employee expense reports payable, then the supplier invoice would only have 1 posting line to clear the employee expense reports payable. 

As a General rule, I never use one of the Standard Templates (STD type templates). I would use the IFS option to copy a template (if using apps 10 or older as an option from the templates screen).   Use the option to create a new template that’s easier to work with for example copy of STDSIN1).  

Best regards, 

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 3 replies
  • April 24, 2023

Hi Thomas/Ieva,

We are looking at uploading the invoices with 2 posting lines per invoice item, do you know if it’s possible to have one of these posting lines with a negative amount?

The 2 posting lines are: 1 is for the item amount, for example 100.00 so the other posting line would need to be -100.00 in order to balance the posting proposal. I keep getting an error of ‘Invalid value format or invalid decimal symbol in the loaded file’ and wondered if it’s because of the negative amount on the second posting line?

Many thanks!

Ieva Rituma
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 424 replies
  • April 24, 2023

The posting lines don’t need to balance to 0. That is taken care of through posting controls using the standard process for invoices (same as if you entered the invoice manually). You only need to add postings for the values in the invoice.


Although I don’t think it’s required for you in the majority of cases, the values can be negative (for instance, for credit notes). Only make sure it’s only the amount column that’s negative, the other column to fill out is Credit Amount (rather than the Debit amount column). 


As noted above, IFS generates the IP1 (AP side) of the postings.  

For example, a 100 invoice would be matched to postings lines (one or many) that total 100. 


IFS will process the invoice and post the AP side (credit) for -100 so the invoice will then actually create a balanced entry. 

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 3 replies
  • April 25, 2023

Hi Thomas/Ieva,

Thankyou for your help so far! 

I did think the balancing should happen automatically however when we have tested the upload and only included 1 posting line per item, we are unable to progress the posting proposal past ‘PrelPosted’ as when you go into the ‘Authorize’ tab on the posting proposal, there is nothing to authorize, see screenshot.


This is the ‘Authorize’ tab on the same posting proposal:


Also, as we are using the STDSIN1 template, there are only 2 columns you can enter amounts in on a P record: the ‘Curr Amount’ column and the ‘Dom Amount’ column. I was entering the negative amount in ‘Curr Amount’ and leaving ‘Dom Amount’ blank and this was giving me the error mentioned in previous message.

Again, many thanks for your advice!

  • Hero (Partner)
  • 39 replies
  • April 25, 2023

If you need on posting line for invoice line , in P record you should repeat net amount of I record (with same sign) - curr amount in invoice currency and  dom amount in company currency.  


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