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Currency Rate Updation in PO


Hi Team,

I have raised a PO against an US supplier and set currency as INR on PO Header level since I will be paying the supplier in INR.

Now the total amount is calculated as per the Rate defined by me in Currency Rates window.

Now the scenario is after the PO is confirmed and when we register arrival, the currency rate needs to be updated as per the new rate.

How to update existing currency rate in a PO which is in “Confirmed” status?

Note: I am using Apps 10





Best answer by Malgorzata Palatynska

Hi Rakesh,


please explain why do you want to change currency rate in PO ?

When you register PO arrival the currency rate is taken from arrival date.

If you enter the right arrival date then the correct currency rate should be taken.


Best regards,


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Malgorzata Palatynska
Hero (Employee)

Hi Rakesh,


please explain why do you want to change currency rate in PO ?

When you register PO arrival the currency rate is taken from arrival date.

If you enter the right arrival date then the correct currency rate should be taken.


Best regards,


  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • August 16, 2021

Hi @Malgorzata Palatynska


Thank u so much for the reply.

Just curious how correct currency rate will be updated as per the right arrival date?? Is it standard procedure or do we need to make any basic settings for it?





Hi @Rakesh ,

If you have not defined specific rate on company level or 

or on supplier level

General rates ​​​will be fetched and no extra setup is not needed as this is standard process.

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • August 16, 2021

Thank u so much @Xavier Fernando 

Malgorzata Palatynska
Hero (Employee)

Hi Rakesh,


as I know this is a standard functionality in IFS Application.

In the Register Arrival window you can enter an arrival date. According to this date the system derives currency rate.
If the arrival date stay empty, the system takes currency rate from sysdate.


Best regards,


  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • September 3, 2021

Hi @Malgorzata Palatynska @Xavier Fernando 


The Currency Rate is not getting updated for me as per the right Arrival Date. 

In the Register Arrival window when I am entering todays date the system is not able to update the currency Rate.

The amount is getting calculated as per rates defined in Currency Rates window.



As per todays date the currency rate is 1 CHF is 79.99 INR.

But in PO it is not getting updated. It is showing 77.7

Request you to please help me on this.




  • Hero (Customer)
  • September 3, 2021

Yes, your arrivals/receipts are booked with current currency rate as per currency rate table. Why do you need to change rate on the PO itself?

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • September 3, 2021

Hi @Adam Bereda 


The scenario is I want to update the currency rate as there is a difference in currency rate when PO is Raised and When goods are received.


So where can I update the currency rate??

  • Hero (Customer)
  • September 3, 2021

Hi, Rakesh, 
You did not answered my question. What would be the PURPOSE of changing currency rate on PO? What could you gain from it?

The only useful result I can think of would be to adjust commitment amount on project activity, if PO is related to Project. 

it is perfectly normal that currency rate from PO placement, good arrival, invoice arrival and invoice payment are different and system is dealing with that - arrivals are booked with proper rate, Invoice is matched with receipt at proper rate, and finally currency difference at payment is calculated and booked.


Typically, the accounting currency rate is driven by Finance, meaning its not something a receiving person would enter.  

Provided the rates are updated periodically the arrival transaction will have the “appropriate” rate from a finance perspective.  Some clients update the rates daily, others update less frequency. 

Then when you process the supplier invoice you can enter a revised rate or use the defaulted rate. 

Then at payment (depending on payment method) we can enter the final rate at time of payment.  

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • September 3, 2021

Hi @Adam Bereda @Thomas Peterson 


Thanks both of you for the detailed explanation.


So just to revert back what I understood from your explanations is:

A finance person can update the Currency Rate in Manual Supplier Invoice window after the goods are receipt as per the required Currency Rate ??





Yes - Provided the currency code is different from the accounting currency  (my company is USD the invoice was CAD) you can enter nearly anything in the rate. As shown below. Note the 854 rate was just an example USD / CAD is closer to 1.25. 



  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • September 3, 2021

Thank u @Thomas Peterson 

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