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Aurena – Delimiter error when selecting an equipment object for document connection

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)



Can anyone help with below queries ?


User is trying  to connect an equipment object to a document revision, whether object ID has period sign.

Error raised and cannot connect the object.

“Invalid use of data delimiter in object type EquipmentObject.

If one of the values contains a period, you can use a comma, semicolon, or colon as a delimiter instead.”


  • Question 1: Is there any specific reason as to why period sign needs to be avoided ?


  • Question 2: Then as a workaround, if you connect the object using objects tab in the document revision form, object description is not displayed until you save the record. (However the object can be connected without getting the delimiter error).Is this something that should be corrected, so that user can see the description, before saving the record ?


Test Flow:

  1. Open Document revision form.
  2. Query for a document.
  3. Click connect objects.
  4. Select object Equipment Functional or Equipment Object.
  5. Under Key ref. field search for the object ID.DOK.TEST (Object ID having period sign).
  6. Click ok – Error raised -  Invalid use of data delimiter in object type EquipmentObject.  If one of the values contains a period, you can use a comma, semicolon, or colon as a delimiter instead.
  7. Then try to connect the same object using Objects tab.
  8. This is possible. However until you save the line, object description is not displayed


Thanks and Best Regards,



Best answer by Thilini Kumarasinghe

This is fixed in App 10 Update 13 (Solution ID 293900)

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  • Hero
  • May 20, 2021

Not sure about the exact context around the objects or reasoning, but if there is any relationship at all, the period character was the cause of many headaches while fixing CBS issues back in the day (probably about 12 years ago). The period character was in primary keys (I think it was in the part number), and CBS was playing up with strange errors that were difficult to decipher. You might be able to dig up some more info in the knowledge search. There is a system parameter - “Define the characters which should not appear in Key Fields”, which has the period key added in as default to possibly avoid these issues.

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi Asanka,

Thank you very much for the reply. I tried using the mentioned setting. I could not find it in Aurena, so I defined it in IEE instead and re-executed the same test flow. But still I get the error. Is it correct to set the parameter “Define the characters which should not appear in Key Fields”  in IEE, or is there anywhere else to set this specifically for Aurena ?

Best Regards,


Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)


> Question 1: Is there any specific reason as to why period sign needs
> to be avoided?

Yes. If one of the key values contains a period, and if you use a period as the separator when inputting the value, then the system cannot know when the period is used as a separator and when it is used in a value.

Regardless, we have thought about this and the solution is simple: read what the message says and follow the instruction :)

The message says:

  "If one of the values contains a period, you can use a comma,
   semicolon, or colon as a delimiter instead."

This is the scenario we have here. So the solution is to use, for example, a comma instead of a period.

For example, if the Site is 1 and the object ID is S1.MD, you enter this:


Then save. It will work. I just tried it.

> Question 2: Then as a workaround, if you connect the object using
> objects tab in the document revision form, object description is
> not displayed until you save the record. (However the object can be
> connected without getting the delimiter error).Is this something
> that should be corrected, so that user can see the description,
> before saving the record ?

I don't understand this, sorry. When I try to use the Objects tab it inserts the object description when I have selected an object from the LOV:



Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi Mathias,


Thanks for the reply :)

I agree that the information message gives a workaround. But I’m not sure whether it is useable for the customer, since from equipment side, we have already allowed period sign in object ID and customer has created objects with period sign. After creating the functional or serial objects, they cannot change the ID to use comma, instead of period icon. Please correct me if I’m wrong. However, my object ID is ID.DOC.TEST1 and tried to connect with key 1,ID.DOC.TEST1. Same error was raised.


The workaround is in Aurena :)

Before saving:


Best Regards,


Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)

Sorry, I missed that this was for Aurena. The functionality should be the same though.

The customers don’t need to change their IDs, they need to change the way they input the IDs, in Docman.

I just tried in Aurena on Apps 10 too and I could connect the object with the ID S1.MD (on site 1) to my document by inputting the following value:



Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)


Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)

PS. You should not input anything in the Key Ref field unless you want to use that instead of entering the much easier key values.


Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)

PPS. Tested with your value now and it failed for me too. I think we might be doing some guessing behind the scenes of what the separator is (it could either be a period or a comma in the case of “1,ID.DOK.TEST”), and in this case it fails. It’s in these cases where the user can/should provide the LOV to select the object.


Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)

PPPS. This works in IEE, I hope we should be able to make it work in Aurena too though. I think you should create a task for it. And please link to this discussion.


Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Thanks Mathias, I will send an RnD task for the Aurena issue. And thankyou very much for other responses aswell.

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

And I will include the first issue as well, because the workaround will work if the object ID has only 1 period sign included. If there are 2 more period signs, same error is raised.


Object ID S1.MD in site 1 - Enter as 1,S1.MD - This works.

Object ID S1.MD.MD in site 1 - Enter as 1,S1.MD.MD - Same error raised

Mathias Dahl
Superhero (Employee)

Thanks! Does the customer have more than one period in their object IDs?

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Yes Mathias, the example object ID from customer is 10.L0481.0.D.P

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

This is fixed in App 10 Update 13 (Solution ID 293900)


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