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Intersite Order

  • February 3, 2021
  • 7 replies



We’ve had an issue a few times now where the original customer order for a part was canceled , but no and since it was not informed, so the product was still reserved and shipped. There is no IFS stop on it until they go to deliver the order on the ‘Register Direct Delivery’ page, that there is an error.

Can we automate the process of when an order line gets cancelled  it also is cancelled on any connected purchase orders and customer orders? This process update would be specific to the intercompany orders between the two sites and the that sourcing option of primary supplier internal direct.


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7 replies



From APPS9 you have the possibility to enabled online order change on the supply site. This means that any changes on the demand site will be instantly updated on the supply site order, including cancel. If the supply site order is already delivered you cannot cancel on the demand site since we get stuck when trying to cancel the supply site order online. I hope this will solve the problem?

Best Regards



Susith Setunga
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 140 replies
  • February 8, 2021

Agrees with Fredrik on the above option. This can be done

  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 11 replies
  • February 19, 2021

Thanks Frederik,


So, my scenario is:

-- Site A Releases Customer order and the set up automatically created a PO for Site B.

-- Now an Intersite CO creates for Customer as B and for Site C and I reserve it.

-- When I cancel Site A customer Order, it will automatically cancel PO on Site B, but it will not cancel or notify Customer Order on Site C and I may end up picking it and on delivery, I get an error, until then physically the shipment is delivered.


So, will the above checkbox in APPS9 stop this?

Any more suggestions. I hope the situation is clear :)




Have configured that you send Order Change message (ORDCHG) and do the replication at cancel of demand site customer order? 

Then if you have enabled online and automatic approval of change request (as in my screenshot above), you should get an error message saying that you cannot cancel when delivered, reserved etc. It will be the same validations as if you did the changes directly on the demand site customer order.

I hope this makes it clearer?

  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 11 replies
  • April 9, 2021

Hi Folks,


Thank You so much for all your responses.

I have recreated the scenario and this will explaine my issue.

So, after going through document, please let me know possible solution and also if we have any solution in IFS 9 or later versions.

Thanks in advance :)



  • Hero (Employee)
  • 46 replies
  • April 13, 2021

Hi Vchandna,

Yes. When you cancel the external Customer Order below information is thrown.

Therefore, the user from Demand Site is aware that manual intervention may be required and communication with Supply Site may be needed. But still Application can handle it on its own when Internal Customer Order is in reserved status.

When you send the Change Request from Internal Purchase Order, Application will remove the reservations of Supply Site and will cancel the Internal Customer Order as well automatically. (Screenshots are from Applications 10)

But when the Internal Customer Order is Picked or Delivered, it may not be cancelled automatically. But External Customer Order will still get below warnings on cancellation. 

However, application may throw an error as below when Approving the Incoming Change Request at Supply Site. This is the indication to Supply Site that External Customer Order is cancelled by Demand Site.

But for this scenario I think it is still possible to implement a Custom Event to check if Internal Customer Order has been already Picked or Delivered at Cancellation of External Customer Order, if you want to completely prevent cancellation with manual instructions such as call Supply Site before cancelling if built-in warnings are ignored by users.

  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 11 replies
  • April 13, 2021

Hi Shadow Wizard,


But I think this is possible in IFS 10 as IFS 8 does not give any notification on cancelling external CO.

I checked the scenarios but couldnt find it.





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