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Weighted Average part's PO is invoicing to a different supplier

Tharindu Illangasinghe
Superhero (Partner)

Dear Community,




We have a weighted average part setup like below.


Then, we have created a PO for this part and let’s say the supplier of the PO is “A”.

Now, after register arrival we are creating the manual supplier Invoice (with a different amount compared to PO’s amount) for this PO but to a different Supplier “B”.

Question is will there be a problem in the cost revaluation of the stocks now since the PO’s supplier is different to the Invoice’s supplier ?


Thank you,

9 replies

Piyal Perera
Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 243 replies
  • May 10, 2024

Hi @Tharindu Illangasinghe ,

Given that you're utilizing supplier invoice consideration using transaction-based, it seems likely that you'd achieve expected cost calculation. Upon arrival, you could base it on your purchase price, and if you invoice at a higher or lower price, it should revalue accordingly irrespective whom you are going to pay. Although I haven't tested this process, I'm optimistic that it would function in this manner.





Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • 1142 replies
  • May 13, 2024

@Tharindu Illangasinghe as far as I remember, at the moment of Invoice/PO matching there will be a PRICEDIFF (+ or -) Inventory Transaction generated that will revalue the parts you’ve purchased in case the PO Price is different than the price in the PO Line.


Tharindu Illangasinghe
Superhero (Partner)

Thank you @Piyal Perera and @Marcel.Ausan for your inputs.  

So, our expectation is when we Invoice with a different (compared to the PO) amount a revaluation to be triggered and update the Unit Cost of the Part based on new amounts.

It looks like something is still missing here. Even though we update the “Gross Amount” in the invoice (regardless of which supplier we select) it is not updating the “Invoiced Price Net/Unit”.


Here we have edited the “Gross Amount” values but still we could see the old values in the “Invoiced Price Net/Unit”. 


As a result, from the system point of view there is no change in the Price. Hence, no change has happened with the Unit Cost of the Part.

No Price diff has been detected


No change to the Unit Cost of the Part has taken place. Whereas we have new amounts invoiced.


Piyal Perera
Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 243 replies
  • May 13, 2024

Hi @Tharindu Illangasinghe ,

  I will try to recreate this issue and let you know the outcome. If possible, please attach your Manual Supplier invoice → Posting line section as well.




Tharindu Illangasinghe
Superhero (Partner)

@Piyal Perera that would be great… 😊

thanks a lot for that.


Here is the Postings section of the invoice


Inventory Part setup is like this


Piyal Perera
Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 243 replies
  • May 14, 2024

Hi @Tharindu Illangasinghe ,

  I checked the flow. it is working fine. Your attached invoice is still not balanced. So, Balance the invoice and post it. 



Tharindu Illangasinghe
Superhero (Partner)

Thank you very much for checking this @Piyal Perera .


In my Posting Proposal there is no option to edit it (so I could try to balance it). Do you happen to know how that could be done ?

Or is there a way to balance it automatically at the Invoice creation itself ?

Piyal Perera
Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 243 replies
  • May 15, 2024

​​Hi @Tharindu Illangasinghe ,

   Go to the Posting Proposal page and try to balance from with new values. With posting proposal functionality, it should automatically balance if there are no changes. In your case there are new price values, so amend accordingly and balance. After that, you can post the invoice.



Tharindu Illangasinghe
Superhero (Partner)

Hi @Piyal Perera


I will try that. At the moment I can’t see any data in the “Posting Proposal” window. So, I will check about this and get back.


However, the Transaction Revaluation has been triggered already the moment the Manual Supplier Invoice is created. Even though the postings are Unbalanced.


So changing the postings values now will trigger another Revaluation Event ? That is to update the Unit Cost with the Invoiced Amount ?


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