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Purchasing - Shop Order Demand

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 29 replies

Afternoon Everyone, 

We are currently in the process of beginning to role out our manufacturing portion of IFS.  One piece we have struggled with a solution is demand generated by a Shop Order.  Currently, our Shop Order is in the planned status but the Inventory Parts as part of the Bill of Materials show up for replenishment.  We do not want this occurring until we release the Shop Order to be completed.  Majority of our Shop Orders (90% plus) are driven by customer demand and may not be released for build until a month after the Customer Order is released.  

Does anyone have a solution for this? 

Thank You

2 replies

  • Hero (Partner)
  • 48 replies
  • June 21, 2020

Hi There

You can configure your manufactured parts in such a way so that on release of customer order a shop order is generated.

I think it involves changing the sourcing options on the sales part from 'Invent Order' so its similar to the when a part is purchased and delivered direct from supplier to the customer. 



  • Do Gooder
  • 12 replies
  • September 28, 2020

Hi JStack, 

Any shop order even in a planned status will drive demand for components on the bill of material. If you do not want to drive demand until the customer order is released, there is a checkbox in customer orders called “Release for Mtrl Planning.” If you uncheck that, it will not generate shop order reqs to fulfill that customer demand until checked. 

If you need that planned order created, but do not want to drive demand to components, you could also uncheck “Include as Demand” on the Details tab of the Shop Order. 


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