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Payment Advice emails not going out

  • November 1, 2021
  • 2 replies


Hey all,

We are having the issue described here:

but that forum appears to be a bit lower on volume -- no response. While it deals with APPS9, we are seeing the issue in APPS10.

The bottom line is that automated emailing of Payment Advice stopped working, out of the blue. It had been working since the start of the year for progressively more Suppliers each month as we entered email addresses and configured Suppliers to receive the payment advice emails.

We are not using a Custom Event. We have been using native IFS functionality that runs through IFS Connect’s emailer.. One of our devs has figured out how to make things work with a Custom Event/Action, but we'd rather not have to add a configuration when native IFS functionality should do the job (and has been working for several months).

Does anyone have advice on how to overcome the "Mail Address 'To' field is not specified"? Or have a better way of tracking down emails that don't go out? All we have to go on are "Failed" Application Messages, but when we review the Suppliers listed in the failures we see that everything is configured properly and email addresses are entered. Attachments are also generated fine, and it looks like the emails should go out without any issues. But we know they are not going because we have them set up to CC the Accounts Payable folks, and they are not getting those CCs.

How are other people sending out payment advice emails automatically, and what are we missing? why would this suddenly stop working?


Joe Kaufman

Best answer by sutekh137

Dinushi Liyanage wrote:

Hi @sutekh137 ,

Were you able to resolve this problem?

Kind regards,


I believe they resolved it with the custom event route. Not sure we ever figured out why it stopped working…

Thanks for checking in!


Joe Kaufman

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2 replies

Dinushi Liyanage
Hero (Employee)

Hi @sutekh137 ,

Were you able to resolve this problem?

Kind regards,

  • Author
  • Hero
  • 217 replies
  • Answer
  • June 3, 2022
Dinushi Liyanage wrote:

Hi @sutekh137 ,

Were you able to resolve this problem?

Kind regards,


I believe they resolved it with the custom event route. Not sure we ever figured out why it stopped working…

Thanks for checking in!


Joe Kaufman

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