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Multilevel Structure Part Cost 1 Question

  • August 29, 2024
  • 1 reply



I have a question regarding a Costs Sets and Multilevel Structure.
I'm trying to create a Quick Report/IAL that would show the same exact data that a user can see in the application, wieving a Part Cost -> Multilevel Structure on Cost Set 1.
Why the SQL Query behing the table on Part Cost -> Multilevel structure Tab have some other Top Level Part bind into a query? Where this part is comming from?
Also what role does a column "Bucket_Seq" have?
I would like to have a column "Cummulated Qty Per Assembly" in my Quick Rep/IAL however on the tbwPartCostBucketMultiLevel the column is calculated and is being devided by ":Int.GetParent(i_hWndFrame).frmPartCost.nCummQtyPerAssembly" - can You please advise how to get this value?
On the form populate, the application somehow knows what BUCKET_SEQ to use - and its being used on every single query later on.
I can not see any hint in the debbuger console how is this BUCKET_SEQ being pulled.

Best regards,
Product Version: UPD21
Business Impact: Users need this as a Quick Report/IAL

1 reply

  • Hero (Employee)
  • 281 replies
  • September 25, 2024

Hi Filip,

First it is very good to be aware that the data under the hood here could be HUGE.
If we do something wrong here, entering a slow running query we can mess up for other concurrent users. Don't underestimate this.

You can try with: "select * from part_cost_bucket_one5 where top_level_part_no = '&your product' and contract = '&site' order by bucket_seq"
This will give u a good start
The "magic" we do in the client for cumulated qty is used when you start searching for a sub-assembly/component/raw material. Bucket_seq is a number column that controls the ordering of the components in the Part Cost Bucket structure.
But above query will work fine for top products and their complete BOMs, and that is what most people would use.

And this view is for cost set 1 records only !!!

Best Regards,



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