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Cannot Over Report an Operation with Planned Scrap Quantity Reserved

  • February 22, 2022
  • 1 reply

Superhero (Partner)

Apps10 Update 8 IEE

In multi-level tracking, when a component is reserved in a quantity that includes its planned scrap quantity, this over-reservation is not accounted for when attempting to over-report an operation or over-receive in production. User receives an error message that there are not enough reservations for the tracked part and it must be reserved before it is issued.


Shop Order:
Part No. = M-987
Lot Tracking = Order Based
Lot Quantity Rule = One Lot Per Production Order
Multi-Level Tracking = YES
Lot Size = 40

Shop Order Materials:
Component Part No. = P-987 (Purchased, Lot-Tracked, Multi-Level Tracked)
Quantity Per Assembly  = 1
Component Scrap = 4
Qty Required = 44
Qty Required Excl Plan Scrap = 40
Reserve/Issue Method = Reserve and Backflush
Reserve/Issue Planned Scrap = YES
Issue Overreported Qty = YES
Operation No = 10

Shop Order Operations:
Operation 10 Op Qty = 40

Inventory Situation:
Available Inventory of P-987 = 100, Lot/Batch = AAA

Process the Shop Order:
Manually reserve all (44) of P-987.
Report operation 10, Qty to Report = 41.
Note: I am over-reporting because all of the reserved components were of good quality. I did not need to scrap any of the reserved component quantity, so I decided to over-report and eventually over-produce.
ERROR MESSAGE: “There are not enough reservations for the tracked part P-987. It must be reserved before it is issued, as the parent part is multilevel tracked.”
I have over-reserved the component, so there should be enough reservations to satisfy the over-report.

Receive Reserved Lots
Qty to Receive = 41
Auto Report of Operations = YES
ERROR MESSAGE: “There are not enough reservations for the tracked part P-987. It must be reserved before it is issued, as the parent part is multilevel tracked”.
I have over-reserved the component, so there should be enough reservations to satisfy the over-receive.

Adjust Lot Size of Shop Order from 40 to 41.
Lot/Batch Qty automatically adjusts from 40 to 41.
Qty Required of P-987 = 45.
Qty Reserved of P-987 = 44.

Report operation 10, Qty to Report = 41.
ERROR MESSAGE: “There are not enough reservations for the tracked part P-987. It must be reserved before it is issued, as the parent part is multilevel tracked.”
I have over-reserved the component, so there should be enough reservations to satisfy the over-report.

Receive Reserved Lots
Qty to Receive = 41
Auto Report of Operations = YES
ERROR MESSAGE: “There are not enough reservations for the tracked part P-987. It must be reserved before it is issued, as the parent part is multilevel tracked.”
I have over-reserved the component, so there should be enough reservations to satisfy the over-receive.

Seems odd that that reserving the quantity of planned scrap does not allow over-reporting or over-receipt.

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  • Hero (Employee)
  • February 24, 2022


If you have un Checked the “Reserve/ Issue Planned Scrap, then you would get the results as you expect here. Because if this check box is selected system tries to issue the Planned Scrap portion along with the Qty required for the Reported Qty.

So the drawback here is that when this check box setting is cleared, the planned scrap portion need to be manually reserved to run the flow as mentioned above.

However we do have the Scrap Non Issued Component functionality, so the manual reservation step is not needed if the Scrap is taken place after reporting the full Qty.

The help text for Reserve/Issue Planned Scrap is as below.

With a selected check box, the planned scrap for the part will be reserved/issued when material for the shop order is processed. 

If this check box is unchecked, the planned scrap portion will not be automatically issued along with the material required for the Operation.

The function for the Issue Overreported Qty considers the Planned and Actual Scrap.

This check box controls the quantity of the component to be backflushed when a shop order operation is overreported, or the shop order is received with a quantity higher than expected.

If this check box is selected, the component will be issued according to the reported operation quantity for operation connected material, or according to the quantity received for non-operation connected material.
If this check box is cleared, the component will be issued according to the reported or received quantity up to:
Lot Size for non-operation connected material.
Operation Qty for operation connected material.

The maximum value of the planned and actual scrap for the component is also considered when material is backflushed.

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