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Project Deliverables (BUG?) - Missing reservations after Supply Option changess

Sidekick (Partner)

Hi IFS Community,

I have probably found a bug while testing Project Deliverables options, that I would rated as a significant (or critical). Please, find a description of the procedure, that I have done:

1) Reservation of components through the Shop Order Plan, from Project Inventory (stock).
2) Change the Supply Option of Purchase component to Supply Option = null (permitted option/value).

Result of this procedure: Information about reservation in the Project Deliverables object will completely disappear, e.g. Reserved Quantity = null; in the Material tab --> Material Plans --> RMB/Reserved Materials... (no rows displayed). BUT, the "unreserve" procedure is not called, so if you check object Inventory Part in Stock, so the rows of components are still reserved and On Hand Qty = Reserved Qty (in case of 1pcs).

Unfortunately, I have not found any workaround to un-reserve these lines from this object, let me know if you can do it.

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Hi @davidnovikov, If I understood your issue correctly, reserved quantity is not being transferred as expected isn't it? If so, can you please check the description of the RnD bug id 143944?

Sidekick (Partner)
  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 10 replies
  • August 11, 2021
Nalaka Samarasinghe wrote:

Hi @davidnovikov, If I understood your issue correctly, reserved quantity is not being transferred as expected isn't it? If so, can you please check the description of the RnD bug id 143944?

Hi @Nalaka Samarasinghe , I have read the mentioned bug with ID 143944 and it is not the same situation as described above.

Please, see the more detailed test procedure:

Prerequisites: Purchase parts PUR1 and PUR2 have available QTY in the Project Inventory.

1) Go to Project Deliverables Definitions window > Create a new Project Deliverable and connect to Project and Default Site.
2) RMB on header > Project Deliverables Navigator
3) Create a component structure like below (e.g.):
3.1) Part No = MAN1, QPA = 1
3.1.1) Part No = PUR2, QPA = 1
3.1.2) Part No = PUR3, QPA = 1
4) Add an activity sequence for MAN1 in the Default tab.
5) Select MAN1 from the Navigator > General tab > RMB/Status > Approve.
6) Select the Part “MAN1” from Navigator > Materials tab > RMB/Generate Material Plans > set Calculate Gross Requirement = ticked and Update Project Connections = ticked > click “OK”.
7) Select MAN1's Shop Order Plan from the Navigator > Shop Order Material tab > Select the both purchase parts > RMB/Reserve (or Manual reserve).
8) Now, select MAN1 from the Navigator > Material tab > Material Requirements > Set the Supply Option for both purchase parts = null (permitted option/value) and Save.

Result of this procedure: Information about the reservation in the Project Deliverables object will completely disappear, but if you check reservation in the object Inventory Part in Stock, purchase components are still reserved (somewhere?) and On Hand Qty = Reserved Qty (in case of 1pcs available before the procedure).

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