I’m having an issue understanding the workflow in IFS as it relates to Sales Quote generation. Currently, we are starting the process at Business Opportunity. An opportunity line would be entered for a top line part, which would be saved as a Non-Existing Part. From there an Estimate is created for the part. The calculation is made and the Business Opportunity is updated via the connected object from the Estimate to the Opportunity. In order to create a quote, we have to register the part using Register Non-Existing Part in Business Opportunity. When that is done, you can then RMB the opportunity line and create a Sales Quote. The issue becomes when you need to change the quote for any reason, the Business Opportunity is not also updated to reflect the change. If you adjust Contribution Margin on the Sales Quote, that does not update the Business Opportunity. Additionally, if you need to modify the Estimate, when you update the connected object to the Business Opportunity, you cannot also update the Quote you created. I’m having trouble understanding how I should handle this flow, the way I’m currently attempting to manage it does not feel that it aligns with how IFS intends for you to use the product. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!