Hi Community!
I have another interesting and (from my point of view) relevant question concerning the restricted usage of employee selection templates.
As you might know I can define different employee selection templates by using different selection parameters (Like Position, Schedule, Wage Class and so on)

As far as I konw this is mainly used to generate anual Absence Allowances for Vacation or Special Vacation for heavily disabled empoloyees.
Now I have a situation, that a certain group should not be able to see all the templates and so I am looking for a way to restrict access to certain selection templates for certain employees.
The reason of this issue is the “My Team Absence Calendar”-Page because if I use the Selection Criteria- Button as an employee I can see all the templates:

As you see there are both selection templates visible for this employee. What I am trying to archive is that this employee can only see the first template and the second one shouln’t even be visible nor selectable at all.
Does somebody know this issue? Has anybody found a solution for this?
End you get a huge issue because somebody who uses this might get access to data he usually should not have.