Hi all, we are looking at using Absence Request on Aurena but have come across an issue: colleagues working 4 nights get marked as being off for 5 days in My Absence Calendar. This is a bit confusing for the guy requesting holidays as it looks like the system will take 5 days off him. Granted the last shift ends 7am ‘the next day’ but still… The system only takes 48 hours off in the end so that’s all good. However, in the request overview for the line manager who comes in to approve the holiday - s/he gets 2 records: one with the correct 48 hours that can be approved, but also one showing 0 hours and that cannot be approved as ‘the employee has no schedule for the period’. This will mean a lot of redundant records lingering. Am I missing something in my set up or is this an issue with a fix or something we just need to live with?
Many thanks in advance.
Some details:
working nights 21-24 but marked for 5 days. Holiday only requested for 21-24/5.

Overview Absence requests show this for the same period

Day type is set up as this: