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Unpeg Shop Order

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 78 replies

Can a shop order be unpegged from a customer order line if that line has a status of “Invoiced/Closed”?


We need to cancel a shop order but we cannot because the customer order line that it is pegged to has a status of “Invoiced/Closed”. But we can’t unpeg it because of the status.


Any suggestions?

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4 replies

  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 1482 replies
  • August 10, 2021

How was the line invoiced and closed if the supply code was shop order and the shop order wasn’t finished and received? 

Did someone re-open the shop order after the line was delivered?

You are through some one-way doors here that can’t be undone, but I’m not sure how you got to where you are….?


Hi @hmccabe,


I can remember, there was a bug in APP8 version which related to your issue. Are you in APP8?


If not, I agree with Shawn about how you got to this end.

Because, once your Shop Order pegged Customer Order has been reserved by inventory (Manual reservation) your peg connection between Shop Order and Customer Order will be removed (If partially reserved by the Shop Order, Pegged amount will be reduced). Therefore, you can cancel or close your Shop Order without any hassle.


However, if your Customer Order is Invoiced/Closed while a Shop Order is pegged you can try below...

In Preliminary Invoice stage> You can Cancel the Invoice

In Posted Auth Stage> You can Create a credit invoice

In Paid Posted Stage> You can Create Customer Payment rollback (This will be complex)

Then, reverse the customer order and unpeg the Shop Order.




Praveen Wijetunge
Sidekick (Former Employee)


Could you add a screenshot of the example. 

The steps to follow would all depend on the current status of the invoices. Hence, please provide detailed information so we can guide you on a test plan to resolve the issue.

Also interesting know has there been anything conducted from a database ? 


Thanking you,

Warm Regards,

Praveen Wijetunge

Kanishka Dilana
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 121 replies
  • September 17, 2021

@hmccabe I would like to know the actual Business reason why you want this Shop Order to be unpegged from the given Customer Order Line? Basically, what I need to know is that,

  1. Did you bring back the Shop Order back to ‘Not Reserved’, ‘No Report’, ‘No Receive’ state by Unreceiving some other stock of the same Part? I’m asking this because, Cancel option is not getting enabled on a Shop Order unless you bring it back to ’Released’ state.
  2. Do you expect to Reverse the Customer Order Flow as well?
  3. What is the exact error you are getting when attempting Shop Order Cancellation? I hope it is the below error,


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