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Migrating Data into a Custom Page

  • February 24, 2020
  • 5 replies


I have created a custom logical unit / custom page to add to the Supplier screen as a custom tab.  Is there an easy way to use the data migration tool (DMT) to populate the underlying custom table?  I’ve seen instructions on setting up the DMT to handle custom fields on a standard IFS screen, but this situation is a little different, in my mind, because it isn’t and extension of a standard method.

5 replies

Rusiru Dharmadasa
Superhero (Employee)

Assuming you are on APP10.


This is possible as custom logical units are having the same structure. The only difference is view name suffixes with _CLV and all the attributes prefixes with CF$_. 


This is well described in the following technical documentation path.




Try and let us know the outcome.

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 3 replies
  • February 26, 2020

Thanks @Rusiru for the quick reply.  This is very helpful.  I’m still a little fuzzy on the instructions of dealing with key values.  The data I am importing does not necessarily need to be unique and won’t IFS automatically assign an OBJKEY to new records when they are added to the database?  Is it possible to use the EXCEL MIGRATION procedure to import the data?  Seems easier to use then generating a file to load by using one of the INSERT methods.

Rusiru Dharmadasa
Superhero (Employee)

OBJKEY should be generated always so you cannot identify your record using it. That is why it instructs to maintain your own key. 


Yes, you can use excel migration procedure to import data. The only different is you should use _CLV as the view name. Source mapping columns and method list is fetched automatically as normal. 

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 3 replies
  • February 27, 2020

Thanks.  I was able to set this up successfully.

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 3 replies
  • February 27, 2020

I have another question.  I have a referenced field (Supplier ID) in the custom page.  Is there a way to get the OBJKEY from the referenced field to populate in the template behind the scenes?  I’ve tried a couple of different things in the Default value column - both a select statement and a function call but neither seems to be working in that validating or executing the excel spreadsheet returns no values in the Results column and no data is migrated into the custom page.  This was my latest attempt:


Set up a dummy field for Supplier ID that populated with a supplier number.


In the source table field I entered the following in the Default Value column:  select supplier_api.get_objkey(SUPPLIER_ID) from dual




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