I’m evaluating a request from our users to have parts of an event form in the Self-Service Portal auto-populated based on a QR code or similar technology, and I need some help to determine if it’s currently possible.
The users want quick access to log requests for certain equipment, such as printers, hospital equipment ect. We aim to support this, and were thinking of using QR codes for the equipment, allowing for easier event logging.
My immediate idea is to use Deep Linking (Assyst Wiki) and prepare QR codes for use in labeling the equipment. These QR codes would point to a specific service or service offering, along with the specific item ID for the labeled equipment.
However, the wiki only mentions deep linking prepopulated forms in the Assyst Portal, not the Self-Service Portal. (The list of examples of values that can be prepopulated in the Assyst Portal is rather limited and does not seem applicable to assystNet)
I’ve had no success with attempts at using URL parameters to pass lookups to be performed or a specific item ID to be pre-populated into a Self-Service logging form. (The following articles have been consulted: Wiki - Deep Linking into the Self-Service Portal, Wiki - Deep Linking into the Self-Service Mobile App, Wiki - Deep Linking into the Mobile Portals)
Are there any examples of using URL parameters to pass values into the available system and/or custom form fields?
Is this even possible today, or would it need to be requested as an added feature?
Thanks in advance