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Where does the Old Forecast column pull data from in Sales and Operations Planning Make to Stock


Each month, when we create a new period version for each of our product families in Sales and Operations Planning the Old forecast and the New forecast column always match each other instead of the old forecast column pulling through data from the most recent period version… this doesn’t seem right and its a pretty useless column due to this, what could I be doing wrong? How do I correct this? 

It's worth noting that every new month we have to close the previous period version as it won’t let us create a new one if there is an existing one at ‘Approved’ Status…. this is also frustrating as we would like to be able to compare them.


I have also seen that you can RMB in the header and copy from an old version BUT as soon as you copy in a new forecast/supply it overwrites this data - is this a bug?

  • Hero (Employee)
  • August 13, 2023

Hi Abi,

I typically start a new period by using the command you are talking about at the end of your questions above. Then system copies the NEW forecast column from the previous period into OLD forecast column. This is what you expect.

However, I guess you are copying in values from MS Level 1 or MS Level 0 into your new S&OP period?!?!

Then I can understand your frustration, because system is basically just importing the current forecast from MS Level 0 or MS Level 1 into both OLD and NEW forecast columns in your S&OP grid.

Or do you enter the S&OP forecast manually? 

I think, as you say, it would be much better if we could as you say here… copy New Forecast from the previous S&OP period, into Old Forecast.

(Same solution for Production Plan columns)

When it comes to the question about:

“It's worth noting that every new month we have to close the previous period version as it won’t let us create a new one if there is an existing one at ‘Approved’ Status…. this is also frustrating as we would like to be able to compare them.”

… I was playing around in latest core version and there it worked (in my eyes)

< Ooops I could recreate this one, but I don’t understand, when you say you cannot compare them? The idea is that you should not have two approved plans for the same Product Family. Because, someone could ask “which one is the game plan?” >

Please log the first issue as a support case. Here I definitely think we should be able to improve the software.

Best Regards,



Thanks Mats I will log the first issue. Don’t worry about the second issue i understand the logic of not having two at approved status.



We do not hand type in the forecast its totalled up - we copy from MS level 1 (if we copy from MS level 0 it doubles up the volume)



Also Mats, would it be possible to pull through the old operations plan from a previous version also or is that not the intended purpose of that column?


  • Hero (Employee)
  • August 15, 2023

Yes Abi, we will fix this together with the old forecast column.



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